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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. Not sure McCain would have been a better choice. When the Republicans start offering/supporting actual conservative candidates, maybe the "fringe voters" will come back to their bullshit party.

    John McCain. Barack Obama. George Bush. Mitt Romney. All. The. Same. Candidate.

    Not sure they are all the same.....but none are worth a crap, so in that sense I agree.  


    I have always wondered what if...what if 9/11 didn't occur, how much of a difference would that have made in the Bush years and where would we be now.  Bush is so tied to that and Iraq, that much of the rest of his Presidency is going to be forgotten, not that it was worth remembering.....

  2. Hope this isn't a repost.......


    "CHEHALIS – A 59-year-old Tenino man was struck by lightning this morning as he was traveling on his motorcycle up Interstate 5 at Chehalis.

    A man and his wife who were behind him saw the flash and stopped to help.

    “I was behind him in my truck, the lightning came down and lit up his helmet,” Martin Zapalac said.

    At first Zapalac wondered if he imagined it, but then saw the motorcyclist lean forward and move to the shoulder.

    The couple had the man follow him to the AM/PM off 13th Street, where arriving firefighters and paramedics checked him out.

    It happened about 9:20 a.m., just north of the LaBree Road interchange.

    Medics checked his vital signs and found he had some burns on the side of his head, although minor, according to the Chehalis Fire Department.

    “He seemed to suffer some hearing damage as well,” Fire Capt. Kevin Curfman said.

    The man was conscious and talking, and alert enough he got out of the ambulance to try to arrange who could drive his bike to a spot for safe keeping.

    He was transported by ambulance to Providence Centralia Hospital.

    Zapalac said the man’s hair was burned and the inside of his helmet was messed up, but he didn’t quite seem to understand how seriously he could be hurt.

    He took off his helmet and asked, “Why am I parked by the side of the road,” Zapalac said.

    “I’ve never seen it strike quite that close,” Zapalac said. “It was a good strike too, cause I felt the  concussion in my truck … when the thunder came.”"





  3. A few years back we went west but at the end of June Beartooth still had 18 ft of snow burying it....lol....so we passed on that leg of the trip.  Sure were disappointed.  We did get up on Monarch Pass near Gunnison, Colorado, with a station at the top at about 11,300 ft of elevation.  Whatta rush!

  4. Magley says "I have obligations at home so I can't enlist but we as a county have an obligation to fight against those gassing kids" It's always easier to choose when you aren't directly affected huh.

    How old is your cousin? Usually those all hell bent on fighting are newer troops who haven't deployed to a combat zone and those senior officials that want to add a war to their resume. I don't know of any of my buddies, I have quite a few friends in the active and army reserves as well as the Ohio national guard, that are for attacking Syria. Our military is tired. Our military families are tired. I know guys that have done 7 years in combat tours and been in for 10-12 years. Let them rest. It's time we stop policing the world and take care of our own problems. If we have to fight a direct threat to our country, it should be done quick and precise and then we withdraw and let them fix what they fucked up. Yes, any damage done by our military was caused by them forcing our hand to war.

    ROE and Geneva Convention only apply to a few countries here and there. Us, the UK, Australia , etc. Do you think the countries over there, including Syria, give a damn about rules that will give them less of a chance? No. They know we will follow (mostly) the laws set forth and by them not, they get the upper hand, in their eyes.

    I want to know who the one person is that voted for an attack on Syria...

    I frequent a site that has a political forum.  Its mostly inhabited by vets, and like I said, they nearly always are for putting the hammer down on most middle eastern issues.  Like you have said, they too have access to info sources that those of us who haven't served do not.  I like to go into some of those threads and sit and listen (read) their opins and learn.  Funny what is really going on within the framework of our Fed govt. and military.  Not ha ha funny, but it can be quite enlightening. 


    And our politicians are only beginning to hear voter outrage........


    Guy Calls For John McCain To Be “Arrested And Tried For Treason” At Town Hall Meeting




    Don't we have assets in country there that we can utilize to serve our purpose out of the public eye?  Covert style response to send a message instead of this international stage bravado bullshit?

  5. Most of the vets I talk to, the ones who always come back with, 'turn the middle east to glass', or  'turn it into a parking lot', are saying we need to back off.  Guess its true, you need to know 'when to hold them and when to fold them'.


    I remember the cuban missle crisis.  I was just a kid, but we started having these tests at school, the disaster horn would go off and we would go to a designated place, on the floor on our knees, hands over our heads.....as if that would help....lol........you could feel it in the air....fear.....people were scared shitless.  It was everywhere, adults talking about it everywhere, bomb shelters being built.  Good thing we had a Pres. and SOS that had a grip on reality and could think under pressure.  Years later we learned just how close we really were to World War.  Obama is not one of those kids of people evidently.

  6. I'm betting any chemical caches in Syria have been moved into some dense residential areas by now.  Don't think the House is going to ok it either.  I heard on the news that some Representatives were saying they were getting phone calls at a 95% rate against attacking.  Odds are at 3-1 that the House tells Barry no.


    I called Brown, Stivers and Boehner and told them not to attack and to repeal Obamacare, which has to be done by Oct 1 or its a done deal.

  7. YOUR response inferred that if I didn't enlist, then i had no say...


    I don't need an excuse...

    Trolls never do.  Do you have to detach yourself from Barry Soetoro's nutsack to breath, or do you breath through your nose?

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