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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. My cousin is currently serving (in hawaii at the moment) and He's 100% for a full on invasion...


    Are you an enlisted man? No, then why do YOU have an opinion?

    Your freaking idiotic response just reinforces why everyone here thinks you are a troll.  So what you are saying is that unless someone is an enlisted person, they have no say in any of this?  MFer, if I would be accepted into the Armed Forces, I would gladly enlist.  I tried to when 9/11 occurred, but I was not accepted because of my age then.  WHATS YOUR FREAKING EXCUSE?

  2. :eyeroll:


    why is it every time someone disagrees with you it's because they are emotionally driven? :nono:


    I think there are situations in which the US needs to remain vigilant. We dropped the ball during the holocaust, but it could be argued that "we didn't know".

    Now the argument is "we're not sure..?" or "even if we are sure, we shouldn't do anything..."


    If the latter, welcome to the wrong side of history.

    Then go enlist and put your ass where your mouth is.

    • Upvote 1
  3. The Geneva Convention agreement only applies to the good guys, basically.  It supposed to apply to all nations, but Japan and Germany scoffed at it and violated all the time.  The Jihadists are even worse.  Technically we shouldn't be waterboarding, but we have.


    But these situations have little to do with whats happened in Syria and the implications of a strike being made by us  Its not our place to take up this onus.  Heck, even Britain, for the first time since the 1700's, decided against the demands of the Prime Minister to aid and abet in an attack.  This is an international incident and should be dealt with by 1. NATO or .2,the United Nations.


     In addition, its very possible Assad and co. did not do this atrocity.


    U.S. 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad's regime'

    Notice the date-Jan 2013.



    Plus by taking sides against Assad and co. we are siding with the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Quada.  What kind of lunacy is this?

  4. Would you two just fuck and get it over with?

    Our country has been going to hell on hockey skates for decades now. Republican, democrat, makes no difference. The waters of politics are so throughly poisoned by corporate glad-handing and special interest now that it doesn't matter what kind of marionette is dancing, the strings all go up to the same hands. We pretend that we're not slaves just because we get to periodically vote in new masters.

    Fuck Syria. Fuck anyone that's not in the northern half of the western hemisphere. Its time we worried about us.

    Damned well said

  5. Not sure that would help in Michigan.  Hellish holes stretching across the road with partial tar patches here and there......its bone jarring not sometimes, but most of the time with no way of avoiding them.  Up there they have more gravel roads which I prefer over those unmaintained roads.  I noticed when we came down the roads were in far better condition, and down our way, Nearly no gravel roads.  I just wish they had given us more of a shoulder....with the road conditions, the great curves and hills, Ohio's roads, imho, are as good as most anywhere overall.  I'd put them right up there with Tenn, Ky and even some states  further west comparing them overall.

  6. Hell yeah....the road you are on can be very fun and twisty, full of tar snakes and frost heaves.....then the road turns into gravel or chip and seal. This I shit you not!!!!! Yeah Michigan has some bad roads 2zfoj69.jpg


    but PA is still by far the worst condition roads I have ventured.

    fixed it for ya..... :lol:


    Northern Michigan's roads aren't as bad as down south, must be the amount of traffic.  Nice to know about Pa tho, was planning on a ride up that way.  Bad roads take most of the fun out of it for sure. 

  7. Part of this whole problem was like bad said, it being such a deepwater pipeline.  Sure the spill would have been terrible had it happened on land, but we also would have been much more capable of getting to the leak and would not have need such extrmem measures to try and stop it.  bad324 is completely right and mag, as usual you are so far offbase you are in another galaxy.......as usual.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I believe most manufacturers protect their dealers by forcing sales to go through one of them.  


    Dealings with a dealership isn't much different from general retail stuff anymore-it all has changed and all the things they used to do  most don't do anymore.  I bought a new pickup back in '89 and after getting the best deal I could, I said, before signing on the dotted line, was 'are you going to fill the gas tank for me?'.  They did (30 gallons!) but like I've heard here, its nearly a thing of the past anymore, as is good service, for the most part.

  9. If Putin follows through with his threat to attack SA-"A grim “urgent action memorandum” issued today from the office of President Putin to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is ordering a “massive military strike” against Saudi Arabia in the event that the West attacks Syria.

    According to Kremlin sources familiar with this extraordinary “war order,” Putin became “enraged” after his early August meeting with Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan who warned that if Russia did not accept the defeat of Syria, Saudi Arabia would unleash Chechen terrorists under their control to cause mass death and chaos during the Winter Olympics scheduled to be held 7-23 February 2014 in Sochi, Russia.
    Lebanese newspaper As-Safir confirmed this amazing threat against Russia saying that Prince Bandar pledged to safeguard Russia’s naval base in Syria if the Assad regime is toppled, but he also hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi if there is no accord by stating: “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.”- http://www.eutimes.net/2013/08/putin-orders-massive-strike-against-saudi-arabia-if-west-attacks-syria/ I wouldn't be surprised to see gas go wayyyy up at the pump.

  10. He most certainly has a right to bitch. He was told by more than a few employees that the bike would remain crated. If they don't know their job, that isn't his fault. He was told it would remain in the crate. So, by either ineptitude or flat-out lying, he didn't get what he agreed to purchase. He didn't put the money down and then call later to request the bike remain crated. It was part of the original agreement. His bitch is absolutely legitimate.


  11. When I moved here almost 6 yrs back I found roads around Ohio to be fantastic compared to the roads back home in Michigan.  Rode up to Traverse City in July to see my mom and rode back by the old house and OMG the roads were even worse.  Bone jarring bad.  Rode through Kentucky last month and those roads were sweet, even better than here.  But 70 through Indiana and Illinois suck bad.  Rode out west a couple years back.  Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, SD, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, roads were great like Kentucky, but once I crossed the Mississippi on 70, and the road reminded me I was back east.  We were only on 2 lanes until mid Missouri and on home.  Except, I had to run across i-90 IN Sd and part of Wyoming, legal at 75 mph.  Ran that fast up i-75 to TC and damn that was a bone jarring ride.

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