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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. This incident is....well I just can't come up with a word to describe how despicable it is.  WTF has this world come to.  In today's jaded times you can see the Jackson's or Sharpton's of the world cackling about racial bs but when you hear people here even somewhat giving these killers any kind of backing or consideration, well that's beyond my comprehension.  Our judicial system is not perfect, but imho it's intent is to provide justice to all, and those pos's and all like them fall far below the level of deserving any type of justice other than the same justice they gave this old fella.

  2. There does not seem to be a source for head covers for the V Star 650 motors.  I am a member on one of their sites and people there have the originals which all peel the chroming right off over time.    There has been lots of talk about where to get good replacements.

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  3. Hill climb is fun and local bar/restaurant (little river cafe) has restrooms and live band. They also fence off their property to keep the cops out for more fun inside. Huge biker turnout and a lot of Harley's but still good redneck fun.

    Yep, unbelievable number of bikes show for this event.  Bikes of all kinds.  The ride there was better than the event, imho.

  4. It does, I occasionally bow hunt there. Went total of 5 times last year to a ladder stand I have in there and seen at least a doe each time.


    Another great thing about there archery is the 3D sections set throughout the woods. Great teaching tool to really learn to shoot and keeps it fun for all ages.

    They have a website?  I'd like to check out membership stuff there.  It'd be nice to have somewhere to go bow hunting and target practicing.

  5. As far as I'm concerned none of them are worth a crap.  A few years back we were having a large check sent to us which then had to go to the mortgage company.  Everything was time sensitive, so we had the check coming to us overnighted by UPS.  This was on a Tues or Wed, middle of the week thing.  We got the check the following Monday  This cost us a few thousand dollars being so late.  UPS said they had an emergency in the Cinn hub which caused the delay.  They refused to stand behind their guarantee and they would not even refund us our cost of having it overnighted since we could have paid ground charges and received it in the same amount of time.  Another time UPS sent parts I ordered from Dennis Kirk, to the west coast somewhere.  This took 2 weeks additional weeks ( a total of near 3 weeks) to get the parts I needed.  Dennis Kirk blamed UPS, UPS blamed DK, and even wanted to charge me additional fees to get it to me after all this.


    You are taking a gamble anytime you enlist a shipping company.....any of them.

  6. at least you got what you were looking for.


    The piece of shit USPS lost a large cashiers check for a deposit for our photographer for the wedding. It was never delivered and its never come back to us and its pissing me off greatly because the bank won't cancel the check until 90 days after it was issued.


    Yet people want more government run shit....IDIOTS!!!

    And people wonder why the Postal Service continues to lose money.

  7. Not much help being as you are pretty far away from me but if you guys would like to drive up to Canal area sometime we can head to the Coon Hunters Club where I am a member and I would be happy to give you some pointers... If you are getting more serious I would recommend talking with Beegreensteen who is a member on here. He shot competitively for years for some very big archery outfits.

    Is that out on Coonpath Rd?

  8. First you dress like a pirate. Then you ride your open pipe hardly to a bar and immediately start drinking beer at oh, 9am. As your 'brothers' show up you can talk about all the time you've spent with them riding in a straight line at 5 under the speed limit. Then you get a route that you either tape to your tank so you can read it, or your back so some gravel-voiced skank with a face made out of beef jerky can read it and scream the directions into your ear over the wind and exhaust noise. When its time to start, you slam down one last beer and don your safety gear, an American flag bandana. Then you follow the route that takes you to five bars. At each bar you drink more beer and pick a card. If you make it to the party at the end, you turn your cards in. Prizes are usually for best poker hand, worst hand, fastest time and ugliest girlfriend. At the party you eat food from crock pots and aluminum roasting pans that's been sitting out for three hours, had countless flies land on it and been touched by every other bikers jackoff hand. You don't care because you've moved onto jack Daniels. Proceed to party down until some guy gets relly drunk and starts a fight. During the confusion, run out with all the cookies and go home.

    Hmmm, now I know why I have never done a Poker Run.....and won't be doing any in the future.

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