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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. There is one in Huntington and one in Lesage WV.
  2. Shoot, my kids are probably as old as, or older than you....lol. So that was in a different time. Plus where I lived then we paid property taxes that also paid for the schools and salaries for teachers and admins. It was also consistent across the state. We also never got 'lists' of things we had to supply or charges for a 'per child' attendance. When they built new schools in our district, they did one school at a time so they could spread the cost out and not hit property owners with such huge increases. I know many of these changes are because of the economy and all, but that same economy hits the homeowners as well. If only the school district would take this into consideration instead of wanting it all right now. It might actually get voted in.
  3. Our school system is adjacent to the city school system which just built a new high school and is finishing up building all new for the elementary and middle schools. So, our schools now want to build new. Instead of being considerate of upping taxes and build in stages so the cost is spread out, they instead want it all in one shebang, so the proposal will up our yearly taxes by over $400! Then they will ask for the parents to supply things like on the list the op showed. A few years back when my daughter had her kids in Circleville schools, she was given an even longer list of things to provide, then on top of that, a $25 per child fee was being required. Plus she had to pay school taxes on top of that. Talk about a real need for reform. These people running these schools need a run in with reality if you ask me.
  4. Super sharp filet knife is essential.
  5. For sure.....and bluegill are even better when caught through the ice. If they are big enough we would cut out the cheeks, and if we had enough 'gills (we used to catch 50 or more if they we biting good) we could have a nice mess of cheeks which is like the prime rib of the fish. That includes bass too. We'd used the leftover egg (rolled the filets in egg before putting into the batter to panfry in butter) to mix with the cheek meat for a really great tasting treat. Man this is making me hungry......lol
  6. http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/lkwoodmap.pdf Good to check a contour map of an unfamiliar lake. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/87687.html Looks like it has some great fish- "Lake Trout, Rainbow Trout, Northern Pike, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Atlantic Salmon, Lake Whitefish, Bluegill, Brown Bullhead, Black Crappie, Yellow Perch" I'd check with a couple of local bait shops for what kind of live bait to use for whichever kind of fish you want to catch. You can also ask where they tend to bite. Most bait shops will let you know because they want you there buying stuff....lol. I love to use artificial baits for pike, and bass. Pike would take underwater lures (deep divers) and you would need to troll the lake. Bass on the otherhand can be caught on topwater lures in the shallows early (dawn) or late at night (dusk) or even at night. The trouts/salmon usually will require live bait, but you can still fish for them with pretty good success. Worms will catch virtually any of the fish mentioned that are in the lake. Big fish will need heavier gear and heavier line. Panfish, lighter stuff. Bass and pike are in the middle, medium action stuff. Also, best to carry some large nail clippers, good for cutting line and clipping stuff off, a stringer, a good small flashlight, a small knife, a pair of long needlenose pliers, some first aid stuff (band aids, neosporin type stuff...), a good pair of gloves, a hat, bug spray, sun burn stuff...cooler with sammies and drinks, and a good filet knife for fixin your catch up for fryin....I also started skinning my fish after fileting them, eliminated having to scale them, plus they taste better with the skin off, imho, although bluegills taste better with the skins on. Like I said, talk to some of the bait shops local there and do some asking. Usually they are more than helpful. Last but not least, good luck!
  7. You should take up the name 'Mad Welding Skillz'.....lol
  8. Nice work. I love to work with wood, neighbor has all the machines and I have worked for him helping build custom cabinets and doing installs. I have also been hired to add electrical goodies to many of the cabinets or adding switched accent lighting. Its all good, love it....
  9. ohiomike

    Riders Down

    Glad to hear everyone made it. Could have been worse, much worse.
  10. How on God's green earth a person could 'forget' their child in a car like that is beyond me.
  11. I hit that ramp on 35 in pouring rain, and man the pucker factor went through the roof....lol. Although I never seemed to slide any, I could swear I was! It would be nice if they put up signs alerting people the surface was grooved like that....and if they did I missed it.
  12. Actually I have found most employers seek some sort of college degree, and ask for it along with your resume. I'm sure there are some entry level positions not asking for one, but I have found most employers ask for a degree of some sort. Strange to find that many times the degree does not even have to apply to the particular job, but it still makes a difference.
  13. The narrow tire on my front is very able to get caught up in those grooves, but it is not too bad. Kind of like riding over the mighty Mack bridge. Those grooves can be a bit intimidating too, but they all are rideable .
  14. My daughter is currently going to college using student loans. Great help but the payback can be backbreaking for some. She is doing this while working a part time job and raising 3 small children and dealing with a abusive husband. So she wants to divorce his sorry ass but cannot generate the funds since he took them to near bankruptcy a couple years back. In her case the loans were a Godsend allowing her to potentially be able to make it without anyone helping her, but I have wondered how long the loan payback will be holding her down.
  15. Whatever their particular reasonings might be, the trend usually results in a price increase. Very seldom if ever do you see prices go back down once a particular 'reason' goes away.
  16. Years back I was diagnosed with my left wrist having 40% and my right wrist having 70% ct. This really effects my riding as my right arm constantly goes to sleep even though I have my bar height below my heart which the Dr told me would make a big difference. I have gone back and forth, get surgery, don't, but with this new insurance boondoggle I am going in in the late fall for both to be done. A co worker had his done, one by laser, the other conventionally. With the laser surgery he was back to running heavy equipment in just a few days, but with the conventional surgery it took nearly 2 months before he could go back to work. I'm definitely going with the laser or whatever has the quickest 'cure' time, but it is getting done this time.
  17. Guess I screwed that reply up....so here's what I wanted to say- Realzies huh,,,lol. that some funny chit. I jump in the hd riders shit when they get going about sportbikes or bikes other than hd's. All that is plain bs. My siggy explains how I feel about it. I'll ride with whoever whatever bike they ride, makes no dif to me....as long as they slow down enough for me to keep up....lol. And there are some here, like you, who don't seem to care what another man rides either. We all do it because we love to ride. If I see a biker on the side of the road broke down, I stop. And honestly, if they would have had some of these sportbikes back when I started riding I would probably have had one. Now I couldn't get up on one and be comfortable if I wanted to, so I ride what some like to call a 'couch'. Just riding, enjoying the scenery, the smells of the outdoors, and to get the f@#& away from the madness. And I enjoy watching some of the sportbike riders videos as well as hearing of some of their escapades. Pretty cool if they're not endangering...but that goes for the cruiser riders too. Guess I'm just gettin old, expectin people to get along and all that....lol. I appreciate your honesty smccrory, it seems to be a rare thing anymore.
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