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Everything posted by RSparky

  1. My 650 is an in-line twin. It has low-end grunt, and a power band from 7k-9k. High torque, but not much horsepower when you rev it out. 600's are in-line 4 cylinders. They're whiny and bitchy sounding, but... The more you twist it, the more horsepower you get. Plus, what I'm expecting to upgrade to, is a super-sport, so the suspension will be an upgrade. My 650 is more like a sport tourer. Looks sporty, but the bars, seat, rearsets, motor, ang drive are all optimized for touring. I will certainly miss that, as a commuter, but nothing fills all role perfectly. If I could stick an in-line four in her frame, I just might. Then, slowly upgrade the suspension bits as I see fit. But I can't. The real downer about switching to an SS though, will be insurance. I paid $83 for the year for her...
  2. sent you an email. if you have a nice 600, i could trade for, i would be interested.
  3. gotcha. i actually read that post after writing that...
  4. thanks guys. but, i was hoping for the usual lbts shit lol. bikerboy, the subject of your post has me curious. or did you change your mind between writing the subject and the body? lol
  5. If you don't want it, tell your friends about it, purdy please... She's worth every penny. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/2395405529.html
  6. Hey, I started that other thread! Lame.
  7. i think i've read that rain x isn't good for visor plastic. yellows it over time or something...
  8. wow. i'm glad to have just read a post raising scorpion up to shoei. i have two scorpion lids myself. i like the antifog, but hate how fricking easy it is to scratch. i've read a couple ideas, none of which i have tested lol. one, being a little plain dish soap. the other being spit. i might suggest chewing some gum before hacking a loogey on the piece that is going to be inside the same air bubble as your nose, though.
  9. i found out about the front plate thing after the original post. He just doesn't like wearing his belt. His decision, in his free country... I don't mind being paranoid, so I wear my belt, or ride atgatt. But, to each his own imo.
  10. I'm broke. So I go with minimum paid right around tax time, and fuhgedduhboudit!
  11. this is the msf stuff i think. http://www.msf-usa.org/downloads/riding_tips.pdf It has some drills in the back.
  12. watching the vid, it seemed like the bike coulda been pushed a lot harder.
  13. i put them on. they're nice. i have only gotten it squirrelly in the rain. but probably gonna get something cheaper next time.
  14. you can twist them up or down to your liking.
  15. i don't perscribe to christianity, but hey, if jesus reeeeeaaaaalllyyy was a zombie... than i'd be glad to have him on my side. i'm going. more or less for the excuse to ride. plus, i'm getting tired of my brick of a helmet. so i may try some on.
  16. i was afraid of that. didn't find that out until later in the evening, though.
  17. well, he pulled him over for no front plate. yet said he saw him without his belt while he was driving, even though it was on when he walked up... didn't get the ticket for no plate though.
  18. (D) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no law enforcement officer shall cause an operator of an automobile being operated on any street or highway to stop the automobile for the sole purpose of determining whether a violation of division (B) of this section has been or is being committed or for the sole purpose of issuing a ticket, citation, or summons for a violation of that nature or causing the arrest of or commencing a prosecution of a person for a violation of that nature, and no law enforcement officer shall view the interior or visually inspect any automobile being operated on any street or highway for the sole purpose of determining whether a violation of that nature has been or is being committed. What about this?
  19. My buddy got pulled over for solely a seat belt violation... He's pissed, and I am too. A) Is that legal? B) Could he prove it in court? He had it on when the officer came up to the car, but apparently the officer said he saw him with it off, while driving. I think it's a bullshit law to begin with, but what do I know, I'm only in a free country... Any advice?
  20. to add to the traffic light thing, i try to keep the car behind me, close. as in, don't leave him when there's a gap, but slowly accelerate, so he can just let off the brakes and stay right behind me. this discourages cars in other lanes from trying to cut him off and accelerate to "gain" a spot in line. also, never stop in the middle of an intersection. like when the light is red at the next intersection, but the one right above you is green, and you're just waiting to go... if that happens and you're already in, i'd scoot up next to the cars in front of you just to get out of the way.
  21. i believe i remember what you are talking bout... that was the only one that i went in hot enough to say "oh shit"..
  22. RSparky

    KY ride???

    i've only been twice, so i don't trust my navigation... but i'd like to go more!
  23. This past Sunday, AfroCBR, invited me to go on a ride with him and a few other cool cats to Kentudky. I've only ever been riding there once before, last year, with him. It was a blast. The video is just the end of the ride, as I Only had a half hour of video, I saved it til the end. This is just 15 minutes though. More details in the description on youtube.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK0HSQdDtEM
  24. RSparky


    I feel it depends on how you write it. Having read the first and last pages only, here is my response: 2. In my engineering math, x(y+z) is usually done first, as the /(can't find the actual sign) can be assumed to separate the statement. As far as trusting calculators and wolframalpha for algebra, goes... I don't. There have been many a time that my improperly written equations, whether straight from the book, or derived, have gotten the wrong answer. Wolframalpha is programmed to make assumptions when it doesn't have a perfectly prescribed set of rules.
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