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Everything posted by RSparky

  1. Um, about 8 minuts if i'm lucky with a condom... without, i'm just so excited it usually happens before anything happens! Oh. not the same stuff. Um. Yah. I want leathers so I can go to a track. OH! I want a bike first... Dam...
  2. um... i'm not hating anybody if it sounded that way either. just curious who else was commuting around here. :-/
  3. Last Thursday, she said she had a blue sportbike with white frame sliders hovering around her rear bumper and and driver's side. Guy had a helmet with graphics. She does have an OhioRiders sticker on her bumper, so I'm gonna assume someone was trying to see if he knew the driver. Her car is a gray Aveo. Also had a fencing sticker on the back. Whoever you are, you made her feel special.
  4. i saw this on craigslist. why is the bar end missing?
  5. i'll be looking in a month or so, so i'll keep you in mind. i'd want to raise it though. how hot does the undertail exhaust get? for a passenger?
  6. RSparky


    huh. didn't know they sold anything other than ice cream...
  7. RSparky


    That's ME! but it's being sold tomorrow.... *fingers crossed* V twins are a little more torquey, but for what you described, I'd also recommend the inline twin. It's smooth as butter, and still plenty fun for the weekend rides. Plus it looks nicer than the SV's. My $.02.
  8. i'd go work for him for free, if i could have a bike.
  9. I've got a GoPro I can lend you. Or even ride behind you and take footage. edit: I saw his^ lagrange location and assumed it was you. We could arrange something and meet at iron pony or something sometime. I would like to go try on some lids anyway.
  10. WIN! eh, it is what it is. i could even look like that guy in full leathers and crap. but i don't have any, so oh well.
  11. whoah... just googled those active levers. they rotate with the throttle, right? would that be legal on a track or something, though?
  12. Yup. It looks nicer than the S1KRR. But imo, the F4 is just gorgeous. It'll be in some rap videos fo sho, dawg. About the Buell, though. I seriously doubt he's going to sell a $40k bike for a loss, and expect to make a business.
  13. That helps everything. I keep an ASP expandable baton in my tail bag. This thread reminded me that I need to get a scabbard and mount it on the inside of my fairing, like I intended to, when I bought it. I wouldn't be using it to swipe off mirrors, though... It'd be fun, but I'm not that reckless. It's just there to be there. Like some of you carry for just in case. I'm not cool with owning a gun at this point in my life, so I've got a baton.
  14. i must have magically lucked out in riverside!! hell, i was riding home in it when it first started raining hard. my phone is probably fried now too... think i can sue zip-loc? I had it in the dam bag.
  15. RSparky

    New grips

    you want real cushion? be a puss like me, and get progrip 714s. you'll have to cut the end cap off, do your bar ends will fit, and your throttle won't stick, but they are uh-mazing...
  16. It's the fast color! Can't really see, especially on my phone but... Lbtsglws! :-)
  17. Depends how hard your clutch springs are, I would assume. Just personal preference. I went with shorties on my 650, but its a pretty weak pull. I like how they look too.
  18. RSparky

    Wheelie Fail

    Nah.... When you start doing that stuff, you gotta be prepared for stuff to go wrong.
  19. it's at 3900 now. i'll wait for someone who wants a well-taken care of bike. anything less and it's not worth it for me.
  20. Updated posting. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/2395405529.html
  21. sooo... you should buy it! that guy never replied, so I'm guessing it was a scam attempt.
  22. i'd like to get 4k, but 3900 is doable, depending on what else one wants.. i'll leave on the head and taillights. it'll have the grips and levers on too. sportbars could stay for $4k... and like i said, it'll have service manual, and i have digital copies of both. also, i forgot it has a battery tender hook up already on there. i really don't want to lose any more on it, because the original intent was to take that money and get something else... ima have to save up more to get anything worthwhile. selling my mods can supplement it, though i guess.
  23. Bkizz, I don't know you were in ohio. I read about your misfortune on riderforums. Tons of respect man. I've been debating with myself over that for the year I've had it, and I do know I'll miss it. That said, though, it's not the bike I'm wanting. I may be assuming an ss is, which may be wrong, so I just might try to ride somebody else's. Good call on that. My kill, I know its too high. But it's a craigslist price lol. Got an offer this morning for 700 less. I need to update my listing, because I took the mods off. I might lower it then.
  24. Um, IP, is it new? sounds a little unfair, unless it's a sexy monster. Haven't seen, so I don't wanna judge. btw, the ad says $4500, but I'd go to $4000. Just expecting craigslist's usual. Also, I converted it to mostly stock now. And am in the middle of washing every piece of plastic, and the frame and engine and anything else I can reach. It still has the xenons, clear alternatives tail, and sportbars. I have a stock headlight assembly, and bulbs, so I could go to stock but I don't know who would want to do that. Likewise for the butt, I still have the fender. As for sportbars, I like them, so while I'm riding I'll leave them on. But I do have stock handlebars too. So far, haven't had any bites on it yet.
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