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Posts posted by RSparky

  1. i have a 400 that i mainly use for jackass stunts now. as has been stated, visor sealing is hit or miss, and it is heavy.

    my 1000 is still slightly a necksore, but not nearly as bad. motorcycle-superstore or motorcyclegear has 400s for dirt cheap. in not girly colors too...

  2. lol, no need to start racist jokes. i was actually in the sears hardware store next to the kroger on dorothy, and the nice guy who helped me there got to talking to me about bikes and stuff, and he highly recommended them. apparently the extended his swingarm on his R1 for the paltry(!?) price of $900...

    yah, they're those kind of guys. nonetheless, we all believe in our own good intentions.

  3. Hey, I'm up in Riveside-ish, I think, now. :wtf:

    Woodman park apartments. Extreme Performance Cycles is just down the street, and I've been meaning to check it out, but being lazy is just more appealing.

    Any insider info?

    btw, hi again ohioriders. I went into recluse during winter... browsing bike stuff started becoming a tear-jerker, when i couldn't ride...:(

  4. Not really worried on my bike since theres no way in hell those cams are going to be able to take pics of my plate.

    I usually don't like the whole hidden plate thing... But this is clearly enough reason for me to move mine.

    Dammit that seriously blows. I'm all up in the area. And on 35 everyday, but not where that camera is, luckily.

  5. i doubt it will take off. To engineer a fuel to combust the same way as gasoline does, and work in a regular engine... That is completely unlike a hydrocarbon, that just doesn't make sense.

    It might not "require" engine modification, but I doubt catalytic converters will be needed, and I also seriously doubt it will require the same AFR as regular gasoline...

  6. The dogs actually aren't that noisy. The chihuahua is the best behaved that anybody who has seen a chihuahuha has seen... If you get that confusing ass sentence. Most of them are yippy little bastards... But he only barks when the door is opened. And my shnorky usually stays shut up. His problem is that he is as uncoordinated as it comes. So he runs rather loudly. Thus, another reason why we got a lower level apartment.

    About the 25% of income rent? That slightly worried me... I worked it up, and assuming we don't go crazy on useless crap, we'll each have a check a month for bills, and a check a month for living... Uncle Sam pays for my school, and Sarah has a savings thing that her grandpa started for her, for just that situation. However, she doesn't want to dip into it unless she has to. Go her. I'd be all over that....

    My mom has already told, not asked, that she is going to make sure that my fridge is stuffed. lol, problem with that is that my fiance, Sarah, wants to eat like a rabbit. Having her own choice over what we buy is a big motivator for her to get out, which I understand. She went from a salad a day, with other healthy crap to my mom's meatloaf, pork chops, microwave lazy meals, and whatnot... I didn't mind though, as the extra fat would be good for her. But it's whatever, it's her body.

    /end long useless rant post thing/

  7. Get a George Foreman grill. One with removable plates. Easier to wash. Quick easy meals.

    Mom has one, stuffed in a closet somewhere! You're a genius.

    I understand the splitting argument, I really do. I also understand that she is just as logical and methodical as I when it comes to her finances. When shit went down with her old roomy, she immediately made arrangements to pay off the rest of her half of the lease, and she ditched.

    Besides, she wouldn't leave me, she wants my bike! If anything does happen, I'll be sure to tell everybody, so you can laugh at my interwebz face...

    We do try really hard to be fair in the financial department, though.

  8. Haha, we are both at school... And I'm not even 21 yet. Less than a month to go... i've been waiting soo long. All my friends are older than me, and it sucks being the guy ordering a water, all the time.

    I'm usually pretty good with money, so bill payments shouldn't be bad, unless we don't have it. Mint.com has a nice budgeting feature I'm acclimating myself to.

    Also, mom's letting me take one of her couches. This place is big enough and she never fills them up anyway.

    For food, I'm slightly worrying about that as well, because she certainly does love chipotle and the like. But, she says being able to buy groceries will persuade her to pack lunch and crap.

  9. Yup. Haven't been on the forums much, but I know you folks are just here to spread the love. So, here's the situation:

    I've been out before, I was in the dorms for a year, then basically couch camped between mom's and my girlfriend's for a bit. Then, she and her roomy had a fight, so we both came back to my mom's place. But, it is time for us to go.

    Rent is approximately 1/4 of our monthly income, as some apartment shopping websites have recommended.

    Other combined bills will be electric, internet and insurance. Water, trash, and all that jazz is paid for by the complex.

    I'll also have my bike payment, and her engagement ring payment, which total slightly less than 200/mo.

    She has her car payment, and credit card.

    I made sure it was a downstairs place, so I could bring my baby(bike) in.

    What else...

    We have a table, couch, recliner and bed. D/W is included, and they have laundry facilities throughout the complex.

    We also have two dogs.

    Ok, that was a lovely list. Anybody want to share some words of wisdom, for any aspect of moving out?

  10. Hum, explain please?:)

    I'm no speed demon lol and its a Michelin tire.

    I believe you see where the tire will consistently rotate to, when you take your hand off. Try a quarter turn all around, and use a pencil or something to mark the top when it's done rotating. Put a little weight there, then repeat?

    Something like that, for an idea. But I AM NOT AN EXPERT, so this is only my limited recollection from reading my service manual...;)

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