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Posts posted by RSparky

  1. This year was my first year of riding, and i didn't encounter ANY situation that needed more power/speed/torque/balls than my little 650 could dish out.

    Hell, most of the time, after a scary situation, I'd realize it was my fault entirely. Usually because of my very eager wrist.:wtf:

    That's why I knew I should not have a liter or even a 600 super sport.

    If you actually do get the CBR1000 of your dreams, exercise caution.

    Indian drivers may be crazy, but American drivers are assholes.

    As far as insurance goes, I found it easier to get my quotes over the phone. Look up numbers to Geico, State Farm, Progressive, The General, etc.

    Otherwise, good luck. ;)

  2. Having just read all ten pages of this in a particularly boring meeting...

    My opinion is that more than one person is flaunting their ego here.and most of it is simply people nitpicking.

    I think a cold wet road is slick enough. That's my .02.

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  3. idk if i'm the only start-small nazi here, so i'll be nice.

    But really, even with a little experience, it's always a good idea to get your technique down on a smaller bike that you can push harder.

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  4. I get pretty tired of sitting and sitting and sitting sometimes. Some lights around here won't even change at all unless they detect your weight. So, I have to "run" a red light just to get home. :wtf:

    But, I really doubt these giant magnets do anything but add on 5 lbs. to the bottom of your bike.

  5. So much lingo! And I plan to ask them as well...

    I have shot rifles before, of course not the same as a handgun. But I know that it takes a controlled, firm force to keep it down once you pull the trigger.

    Also, I know a gun is not just a gun... But as far as getting a behemoth goes, I'm not concerned. Truthfully, I'd rather just keep my baton on me, if I have to hurt somebody. Somehow, it's more illegal to whack someone than it is to put a hole in them.

    But, the gun would be for home security. WHILE keeping the house intact. So I'd prefer having one hot chunk of metal flying, not 16.

    My main reason for posting I guess was for opinions on a "kid"(in most people's eyes, as I am not 21 yet) getting a gun. I would wait until I had turned 21, and had gotten my own place, though.

    I was also rather tired last night...

  6. Ok, I've been thinking about getting a handgun for a while now. Ever since finding out that my fiancee's dad and brother are the biggest gun dorks in the world, actually. I figure it will help me get to know them, and hey, it's that added security that I don't have.

    That said, I'm still kinda intimidated by the though of having the capability to end someone's life with the twitch of a finger, ya know? Sure, on a bike, i can do the same to my own life, even somebody else's. idk. Guess that's why I'm asking here.

    You guys all seem to want to help out a newb, and I'm more confused than I think I should be.

    If I got one, I wouldn't want a 45, or anything else that will be unnecessarily clunky or heavy. A gun is a gun.

    As with bikes, there is Total Control by Lee Parks, I'm sure there is some sort of great read for beginners to guns... What might that be?

    Any opinions on my best course of action, though? I still have about 3 months before I'm 21, so I'm not looking to buy anything now anyway. Just getting a feeler.:shortbus:

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  7. My suspension isn't very customizable I believe... The rear has a 'preload' setting, but 'sides that, I doubt I can get far.

    Would be nice though. I feel as though putting the front down just a tad would make it (feel) much safer in corners..

    As far as tires go... Now I'm second guessing the PP. As I do a ton of highway miles. 50 a day average. That's why i got the 2 compound tires.

    Is there a usable 2 comp. tire that will be sticky enough, but not need warmed up?

    :wtf: That's a pretty specific set of tires right there. Oh yah, then I'll have to make sure I can get one to fit my skinny rim.

    Side note: Aren't skinny tires better? Less stable, but easier to bank, yes? So, why do RRs have fatter tires?

    Edit: Nvmd. Grip area. ghey.

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