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Posts posted by RSparky

  1. Hm... They're Michelin Road 2s. Plenty of life left, thus my plug. It seems to hold air perfectly fine, but maybe I'll get a lot of non-snowy riding this winter and have to change it before the track day.

    btw, maybe I can coordinate to go when some of you regular track guys go. It'd be cool to meet the riders behind all the damn sex jokes!

  2. My friend and I have had this idea for a while... But we plan to start on something simple. A homemade hang glider. However, for the vtol thingamajig, you wouldn't believe how much power you need to pack on that, and how efficiently you need to convert that to lift, for it to actually be effective. That's why the dam twin copter thing is 6 mil...

    I'll let you in on my design ace in my sleeve though: a Busa plant. Or any other 14 superbike engine...

  3. Thanks for the input! That's why I posted. I'll be looking at STT then. I remember seeing a thread comparing the two a while ago, but couldn't find it.

    The STT website is a little bland though... Do I have to wait to pay for a membership until nest year? Then I can look at dates?

    As far as money goes, I plan to pinching pennies wherever possible. My Michelin Road 2s should handle just fine in the beginner class. And my brother says he wants to go as well, so we can trailer the bikes.

    I feel as though he's gonna get kicked out though lol. He has an old-school Buell that will simply haul balls. He has a hard time keeping the front down around curves on the street, so I know it'll be even harder on the track.

  4. It's confirmed with the lady, and as a matter of fact, she's going to buy my first track day for me... :D

    So, as I am a total newb to track riding, I'm starting my research now. Seems like NESBA has a more beginner friendly system than STT. Not to mention that you don't have to pay to look at their events.

    Prices don't seem half bad, but I'm a little confused as to the frequency of track days offered at Mid-Ohio. I know the track is wanted by car racers, and other training classes, but that still seems like a pretty slim schedule. The mid-ohio site wasn't any help either.

    Guess I'll just have to check back sooner to the start of next season to find a better schedule.

    I'm sure some of you guys are very familiar with tracks and whatnot. How do I go about finding a good price and a quality day?


  5. Kinda disappointed with the Cat Crap... It works, but I have to reapply it before every cold ride or else it's useless. And even then, I get a little condensation around the edges.

    One thing I like about the Exo-1000 is that the little lock pin can be rotated, so it holds the visor cracked. That works better, until I hit the highway.

  6. So, you guys remember the rainy a$$ crazy Tuesday we had?

    Well, I rode that day. And I avoided the highway on my way home. Besides it still being oily everywhere, I was surprised when I got home to find a screw embedded straight into my tire... :mad:

    I was pretty much furious. At myself, the road, the tire, anything. But, I took the car up to Autozone, grabbed a plug kit, and a mini compressor.

    The hole was rather small, so I had to spend a little while reaming it. (heheh):takeit:

    I went to put the plug in, and it had a lot of resistance. So I pushed rather hard, then oops. It went all the way in. You're supposed to get it about 2/3 of the way in. So, I tried to pull it out but the way the tool is designed, it lets go of the plug when you pull out.

    After depositing one plug into my tire, I got the next one in fine. It doesn't feel like it has messed up the balance much, but I have been rather easy on it since plugging.

    It's kept air perfectly, so I'm gonna stick with it.

    Ok, end rant, story, pity party. :cool:

  7. I like the stuff, but it does seem like I'll have to apply it right before any cold weather ride for it to work... I've looked for pin locks, but am very particular about my helmet. (it does have to keep my noggin safe)

    Do they have a pre-installed pin-lock for scorpion shields or no? Haven't found one yet, so I doubt it.

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