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Posts posted by RSparky

  1. Yah, i had that too. Put a really thin strip of foam under the rubber lip all the way around. I even cut some small strips for the sides. Cut it from a 2x2x36 in. strip made to seal up windows w/ air conditioners I got from Wal-mart. Its soft and plushy, but still seems pretty durable.

    The hard part was cutting it into nice straight lines.

  2. idk if anybody has this problem, but I do on my Exo-400. With the strap snapped onto the little button thing, it makes a big loop, which catches air and funnels it straight up the left side of the helmet. Tis rather annoying. I don't like to just let it hang either, because it whips around all crazy like. Shoving it into my jacket is annoying when I turn my head. But, shoving it up into the helmet works! Until it falls out...

    In order to keep it up in there, I just took a sliver of some nylon strap, and sewed it into a loop that fit nicely over my helmet strap. After buckling it in the D ring, the idea is that I'll just slide it up into the loop, which will carry the weight, and keep it out of my way. I put the pictures on facebook, so we'll see if they work here...



  3. I've tried rain x anti fog, which failed, hoppe's #9, which failed, even scorpions existing anti-fog stuff on the visors fails. It would probably be worse without it, though. But it's not good enough that I don't have to open up my visor a few times on my way to work.

    I ride to work at 6am, and generally it's either through fog, which does a number to my visor, or it's just moist and dewy out, which still fogs me up.

    Any solutions hidden in the rough, or am I just S.O.L.?

  4. I'm sure some of you have heard of it. It's a small video camera that is frequently used for r/c airplanes or diy helmet cams. I intend to do the latter, something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxZsckWZOAQ&feature=fvsr.

    I'll let yall know how it goes when I get it. Anybody have one, willing to offer some advice? I'm as smart as a box of rocks when it comes to video cameras :confused:.

    Well, I know tha 30 fps is crappy, and the resolution is small, but waddaya expect for something that tiny.

  5. I had a too close call... aka wreck. I was in my Chrysler Cirrus, 17 years old, girlfriend in the passenger seat, music blaring. It was December-ish, but not a lot of snow on the ground. We were taking a particularly acute right turn off 73 E. when my inside tire hit some slush. Had sport tires on that I should not have had at this time of year, but what did I care, they looked cool! That plus my higher than should have been speed, caused me to slide into th eleft lane of the road I turned onto. Lo and behold, there was a big black (Oldsmobile?) directly in front of me. :wtf:

    Next I know, I was pushing my airbag out of my face. We got out, and saw that their car had caught fire. Both were totaled for sure.

    Anyway, a close call that didn't end up in a wreck... Though she did nudge me. This was this spring, so I was on the bike. Some lady pulled out from my right, making a left turn in front of me. Though with her timing, she would have pushed me with her front bumper. Luckily, I swerved like a madman, and she just nipped my boot. The zipper won't stay closed anymore, but I still have it as a memento. I kept the bike up afterward, though. Proceeded to turn around and listen to her apologize for five minutes, and exclaim about how hard it was to see me and blah blah blah. I was pissed, so I decided to just leave.

  6. haha on the 81 mph... Tops out at 140. Which is plenty fast for mr. inexperienced me.

    I agree with the speed limit raise to catch up to technology. But, I also think it should be regulated maybe by the driver, maybe in conjunction with the vehicle. More specifically, the driver's age. Anybody 16-18/21, regulate a little more. Anybody over the eyesight losing hump... Well, just make them take a driving test every 5 years or so...

  7. Yup. They are officially watching 675 from the plane now...Right around exit 2 on Northbound, just after the Dayton mall, I saw a line of troopers on the right. One of them pulled out and pointed at me...

    The pilot must have been having a good day though, because I am pretty sure I was going faster than the 81mph he clocked me at... Twas light traffic so I kept my speed up.

    While I was waiting on the nice lady to look me up, I saw another one of them pulling over somebody else. We are sitting ducks from the sky! :mad:

    But on my ticket, she wrote Suzuki... I wonder, does anybody know if you can get away without paying, or getting points if they put you in/on the wrong vehicle?

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  8. I recently got one.. Same size as my exo-400 but the lower neck pad rips off my ears. And the padding in the helmet isn't as plush as my 400. I'm wearing the 400 more than the 1000, just saying.

    edit: I'm not browsing on my phone now, so I can actually type... I love the 100 for the weight savings, because my neck is already F'ed up... But even so, I prefer the 400 when I'm actually on the bike. It just feels so warm and cozy. Probably because of the padding difference.

    To those who do get the 1000, be careful when removing the sun visor, not to stretch the plastic that clamps to it. I did, and now the sun visor slips out of place if I flip it down quickly.

  9. Bought my bike with 4400 on it this April. Since then, I've got it to 96xx and counting. 5200 miles. Not bad, considering it's basically all just my commuting.. Wish I would have gotten to go on a good trip.

  10. Scorpion EXO-400/700/1000 Twist Grip Replacement

    Alrighty, I recently purchased a set of matching twist grips. Yah, so what if I want to look cool? The simple fact that I ride a motorcycle isn't cool enough for me. Anyway, I went to put them on, but to my dismay, NO INSTRUCTIONS! I don't know about you, but I don't mind tinkering with things. Even so, this helmet is one of my more costly, and important investments, so I was a little put off by Scorpion's lack of instructions. But, don't worry people, that's why I'm writing this! Plus, it's really easy and I want to feel productive today.

    1. Take off your visor. If you have never done so, It's really not that hard. Open it all the way to the top, to that the arrows on the visor align with those on the helmet. Then, twist your grips! It helps to pull them forward while twisting. That allows the stop on the visor to dislodge from the nook next to the aforementioned arrow. With a little effort, it should come off. I know mine can be a pain in the rear sometimes. The EXO-1000 is made way better, probably with weaker springs, so replacing the visor is a breeze. Wow, didn't think I could write a paragraph on how to remove your visor, did ya?

    2. Gently, insert the tip of a flathead screwdriver between the twist grip and the actual visor mechanism. I find that is easiest to first put it in the slot that pulls in when the twist grip is rotated. Then, for good measure, put another screwdriver in the other side. (see my attached picture)

    3. Don safety glasses, and twist your screwdrivers! The twist grip will pop off, and go flying into some obscure corner of the room. This should be expected; Murphy's law states so. But really, those things do go flying.

    4. Now, you can simply snap the new twist grips on… But! While you have it off, might as well lube up the sliding plastic plates with a little oil to make operation of the wretched thing just a tad gentler. You can also unscrew those flimsy, too big for anything but a fingernail screws and take the whole visor mechanism off.

  11. I know where to find a write up for the pair valve for the Ninja 650, if anybody is interested. Also, I just whipped one up for replacing the little twist grips on scorpion helmets. Gonna try to figure out how to post it...

  12. dude you just proved my point with that vid. you don't REALLY hear the car until as its passing and after. sure you can "hear" it because the video camera is focused on the object and out in open space. put the video camera with the microphone pointed opposite the oncoming cars direction (not pointed straight at it) inside a vehicle with the radio on and it's a completely different story.


    I don't see how you are still arguing this. Right now, I am in my home, probably 200 feet from a very busy road. None of the cars' exhausts are "pointed" at me, and I am in a room insulated by multiple walls. I can still hear every vehicle that rolls by. Not just the loud mustangs or 190mph bikes(which I hope there aren't any...)

    Sure, exhaust noise is loudest behind the vehicle, where it is being projected, but by the nature of compressional waves, which is how sound 'moves'; as soon as the air is pushed out of the muffler, waves are going in 360 degrees. Even back into the muffler...

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