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Posts posted by RSparky

  1. Hey man, I'm rather young as well. Been riding for 4 years, so pretty much new like you. And I also started ob a 650. Ninja 650. It was a blast. I "upgraded" to an r6. I don't have liter syndrome or whatever it was called, but I did want something sportier. I thought I was missing out. Turned out, I wasn't. The 650 was a much better position, even with sportbars. And face it, we're not racers. comfort matters. It was definitely harder on the wrists, so I learned to lay on the tank on long slab stretches. Beside that, the better position actually allowed me to handle the 650 better! I could toast the twisty road by my old house on that thing. Couldn't ever get as quick around the corners on the r6 without triggering a lot of survival reactions. The r6 actually had a major mechanical failure late last season, which spurred me to sell it to my brother, who has time to fix it, and buy a daytona. I know it's not much more relaxed, bt I want to experiment.

    I'm not saying to keep it because it's the best, or plenty for your skills. I'm just saying to evaluate what you want, and don't blindly stick to joe schmoe's small ego big bike philosophy.

    Anywho, you said you commute, and occasionally take the girl. Me too. My fiance is a 100lb twig, and she hated the r6 in comparison to the banana seat on the 650. But, meh, my bike, not hers.

  2. I'm younger than most of you, and am friends with a bunch of kids I graduated with, as well as below classmates at wright state. I see a lot of support for it... They're all just brainwashed by shit. Funny someone mentioned a stoner avidly supporting it, because I know a guy from high school that that I argue with all the time on fb over it.

    Someone at work said a quote the other day that kinda fits the bill. It went something like "a young man is heartless if he is not a liberal, and an old man is unwise if he is not a conservative".

    I'm kinda heartless and unwise.

  3. I didn't sleep last night because I got locked into to watching videos of cops abusing their power. I think this video started it off. I'm tired now. Need sleep. Kind of sad that 1) I spent that much time doing that and 2) there are that many misinformed power hungry cops out there.

    I was in a zone.

    One moment it was 9 pm the next it was 530 am.

    I skipped over this post. But yeah, did you see the one where he kicks a drunk lady in the face? Funny, but definitely unnecessary. And now he wants his job back.

  4. Wow I started a flame war. Come on white death! All these bikers are pissed enough already! But really, I agree that we are screwed. There isn't a way out, in this system. And this system is not going to change. Unless something catastrophic were to dismount all those who have power. I don't have cable, but I saw ads on youtube about a show where all electricity went out. Something that big. or wait for global famine after the algae dicks up the oceans. That may be a bit though.

    You guys are all very persuasive.

  5. I already knew this. And I'm no socialist. I know this is the goal of capitalism. But I just don't know what I think should be done for those who are trying so hard, and simply not able to provide food on the table. My mom was way over on the left side. It wasn't always a good dinner, but she kept something on the table. And I cried with her more nights than I could count over her finances.



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