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Posts posted by RSparky

  1. The truth comes out! I'm still rather inexperienced, but I've had it ingrained in my head that power is not speed...

    Sure, get a busa, and fly down the highway at 200mph, but then try to turn.

    Actually, the flying couch might be more comfortable for you.

    I had a ninja 650 for a year, then an r6, and i'm soon buying a triumph. I've ridden a buell blast, S1, and a sportster. The Blast was by far the comfiest thing my butt touched. Minus the giant aftermarket air filter stabbing my knee, but that wouldn't be your problem. Blast's are 500cc thumpers though, so not enough gogo juice for you...

    I agree on the cruisers taking leg suspension out of the mix. And that's bad.

    Comfort, power, price. Pick 2. :D

  2. I am an atheist. I think religion is the bane of humanity.

    But... I think there's a difference between teaching a religion, and having religious information available. I'm cool with Jesus's quotes on the walls. As well as Buddha. They both taught good ideas. If it's all from one religion, then that is more or less the school trying to get away with it. Not cool. And I don't think anything a President says should be banned from a school. He was the leader of the country that school is in, I'd say his opinion should at least be taught for informational purposes.

    Flame on.

    EDIT: Posted first, read the article second... The Reagan quote shouldn't have been on the wall. But, in history class, if they're going over his Presidency, his religion would be brought up.

  3. Hey guys,

    My senior design project is an electric car to compete in the shell eco-marathon. In order to save costs on our limited budget, I'm wondering if any of you guys have 4 used but not bald front tires of the same make that I could potentially find cheap rims for. Lemme know, even if you think it won't work.

    Thanks guys.

  4. So, it's been a long time coming. I'm getting married in May, and we want to honeymoon to our potential living destination.

    We both want to live somewhere warm. I want good roads, she wants eastern to be close to home. She is averse to the southern coast because of hurricanes.

    There is a pretty good grad school for her in Columbia, SC. She is potentially deciding whether she wants to wait a year to get residency, and get a job with her B.S., then apply for the grad school.

    And, I haven't done much research, but it seems like the economy is good for engineering jobs. SCANA looks cool.

    Very stoked about the lowest average of 33 degrees. Highest average in the 90's is cool. I'll get vented pants, and have had a couple seat modification ideas.

    So... Anybody lived there before? Any laws I need to know of? I don't carry, but want to eventually. E check laws, license renewal, sound ordinances, etc.

    Besides that, I'm concerned about jobs mainly. A quick search turned up a bunch of engineering openings. Her degree is in biology, and she is interested in anatomy, or micro, both of which generally require higher education, so that's a concern for that first year.


    Marry Christmas!

  5. commuter plus potential track days. after this semester i'll have much more free time. i do plenty of slab, but i was comfy laying on the r6 for half hour plus rides.

    i'm no hayes, so i don't need all the fancy ohlins this and that. but it'd be nice for the value factor. plus, you never know, maybe i'll get some track skill under my belt next year.

    pm outbound...

  6. i saw. you have my attention peaked.

    as far as ergos go, i'm used to an r6. and, the most luggage i need is a backpack and tankbag... check. :D

    now i need the forecast tomorrow to jump by 20 degrees.. will i need to jump through any hoops to do a test ride tomorrow?

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