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Everything posted by what

  1. The Bikemaster I had in the SV died after 1 season too. Yuasa in it now and no problems. But yes, trip to IP after work in hopes they have a Yuasa that fits the striple.
  2. Got up early to ride the triumph to work today. Battery is dead. It's been on a tender all summer and I just re-installed it last week! FU Bikemaster. Never again.
  3. I'd like to know what the scraping noise is you hear twice after he says "whoa." Tires? Facial hair on mic?
  4. I watched this a number of times last night trying to figure out wtf went wrong. No idea beyond target fixation on the house/sign post and humpty-dumptying off the ledge. Maybe hitting the small bump on the corner broke his concentration and that was that?
  5. Yeah that's honestly why I picked it up... I always see @Isaac's Papa's head bobbing around while listening to what I can only imagine is the below song and wanted to get in on that action.
  6. I will say that I was a lot more hesitant to make quick passes on the SV than I am on the Triumph. I can only imagine on a liter bike whoolieing dankly while dragging knee and flipping the bird past groups of slow-ass cruisers or "hammer down when they see you trying to pass" dipshits.
  7. Little dips and curves that you can't see because of skewed perspective/a horizon line blending into the background are something I always double and triple check for before making a pass. Sometimes it looks like a long flat straight and then a car appears out of a tiny dip in the road you didn't notice. Bad time for everyone if that's the case and luck isn't on your side like it was with you. The hardest part to improving yourself in any regard is admitting you make mistakes and correcting your behavior in the future to avoid making the same mistake again. You've done this, so kudos. Also I hope you were wearing your brown pants.
  8. Decided to go with a 20S as per the recommendations in this thread. I hold you all personally responsible. now I just need friends who will talk to me...
  9. Nice one Derek. What do you use to cut down on wind noise btw? Been researching options.
  10. what

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Haha, well I was only half serious... earplugs were my lifeline during college. I don't snore.
  11. What not so legal shit? We all follow the rules here.
  12. what

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    How loud do you snore?
  13. It always seems the dump trucks/logging trucks and other micropeen-mobiles (giant diesels) that swerve when trying to pass/get pissed and try to play butt-touch when you get by them. Had one guy do this last year on a ride with Derek and Gasser (I think?) driving a 2x trailer log truck that was fully loaded. Derek got by him and the dude shot up to 100 in the straights, cutting the inside of oncoming lane through blind corners trying to catch him. GoPro will be with me and recording on every ride now so when shit heads pull stuff like this, police will become involved.
  14. what

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Still waiting on final approval from boss but it's looking like this is a go. Who still needed a roommate?
  15. @TimTheAzn @NinjaDoc @jacobhawkins Looks like we've got another one... also GLWS! I've been seeing a lot of those 300s around town lately.
  16. Was just wondering when your next ride would be... see you at 9!
  17. Have fun out there and be safe. I'm doing neither of those things behind my desk today.
  18. I sense another potential Trumpet club member here...
  19. what

    Fogo Island Inn

    My sister went there on her honeymoon, she loved it.
  20. what

    Central Ohio Rides

    I think tomorrow will be my riding day for this weekend.
  21. I like my Star better than I liked my RF-1000. It is a bit noisy though, damn ear vents.
  22. Street Triple for the street, Daytona for the track. If I can find a longer Daytona, this may be in my 5-year plan.
  23. what

    Central Ohio Rides

    Thinking of heading down to Hocking tomorrow around noon if the weather isn't shit. Accuweather says all the rain down that way will happen between 9 and 11am with a 30% chance for the rest of the day.
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