Yes, I'm aware of this this is not my sole means for income I still have a full-time job to offset costs so I'm not too worried about this. This is a decision that I have not taken to likely. I'm aware of the risks as well the rewards. I know last summer I had my motorcycle shipped to Seattle and back for $1000 and they managed to damage it in a crate. Something fell on it or they dropped it. Anyway I appreciate the concern I've talked to guys who do this as well and they said the same thing. I'm aware but not many are gonna want their motorcycle or car on an open transport. Granted its done numerous times I just don't wanna deal with it in the beginning. I am looking at some hybrid trailers as another option best of both worlds. That was my original plan but opted out of it due to the fact I'd be stopping and starting more than I'd be running with a smaller trailer. Plus I get the summers off from work so that works in my favor a lot with this. Thanks,