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Everything posted by Jst2fst

  1. Yea, my goal for the year is to ride a lot more than I did last year. I was pretty much done riding after the trip to the gap.
  2. More than likely I'll be there granted I've never ridden at Hocking.
  3. Maybe... This would be pretty cool to do
  4. Welcome to the madness enjoy!
  5. I'll have space in my vehicle if you need a lift
  6. Well good luck man! Ohio will always be home you know.
  7. Jst2fst


    Welcome to OR lets enjoy this troll
  8. Yea, I saw that I was in there last night an the prices were through the roof.
  9. I've seen some of my friends with otter boxes. I'm gonna be heading close to a wally world in a few to see what they have also. Never thought it be this hard to find a case for a phone.
  10. Thank's guys for the info found out my Private Browsing was on its off now an working. I'll look at the cases mentioned an Pauly I'll probably take you up on that offer thanks.
  11. So last week I picked up an iPhone 4s so far so good. I'm looking for a water proof case still. Any suggestions? I've looked at some Otter Box's I like the brand just wanna know any other decent cases. Also I have a problem with it logging me out of OR every time the page refreshes any way to fix that?
  12. If you can give mine to Ben or Carrie I can stop by and get it from them If they have time. If not I'll PM you my address.
  13. Not bad, looks like an aborted landing :wink:
  14. Possibly....too far out to tell yet.
  15. Thanks for the class as well. Please let us know what his price is for the first responders class also.
  16. I love the GTO'S good work he's doing
  17. I got mine yesterday gonna head to Micro center to get an sd card for it and give it a try.
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