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Everything posted by scottie.harris

  1. i mean the tires and lift. that crap aint cheap to just put on a hoopty
  2. why would you waste your money to put that on there. the ONLY reason i would want a van is to have an "enclosed" bike hauler.
  3. ok my grandfather has a 70's honda cb200, but he needs a few parts to get it running again. Does anyone know where to buy parts for it, i browsed the internet a bit and didnt find much. my thought is he would be better off buying a parts bike. ideas?
  4. i know i cant afford it, these things run like 6k in decent condition. im not a british bike fan any how, not a hater though. More interested for my grandfather..
  5. agree, need pics and price(technically required, but might pass in this case. idk)
  6. i have realized this, thats why im selling the ps3 on craigslist for 550. i have that much alone in games let alone the other accessories and system itself. in the mean time i just figured i would see if there was someone who wanted a ps3 in trade.
  7. im saving the cash i got for a house, i close in 3 weeks. i have two systems so i figured i just get rid of one since the woman that i love so much says i cant spend any money. pussy whipped no, still want laid yes.
  8. i had a feeling someone would be a smart alec, however i did not expect jporter to be the first to knock.
  9. scottie.harris


    i just lol'd
  10. i suppose you are right, ill change it a bit. ill change it to ill trade both if its worth it(to me).
  11. im talking like a old 500 dollar bike that needs some work. but the ps3+accessories+games is worth at least 500, hell ive got well over 1000 in it. the headphones alone are 80 new. but like i said im not looking for a perfect bike. and i must have something to do on rainy/snowy days so i need a game system
  12. ok most of you are going to laugh, but im getting the extreme itch to ride. im looking on craigslist but figured id see if theres any interest here or if they know someone if interest. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2324056488.html
  13. you all can think what you want, but im getting off here and playing some cod zombies.
  14. yet i proved it mathmatically. that works as a fraction, NOT a division. use the actual division symbol not the fraction symbol. my girlfriend took accounting and she even learned that there is a difference between the fraction and division symbol and it would be marked wrong on a test. congrats on being a success at a young age, but your not right about everything. so your saying that the goodyear engineer is a "huge dumbass" to be where he is as well?
  15. tyler how you figure your younger than me? btw im 20
  16. tyler524- your a moron for thinking that m and d have the same weight. for example 6/3*4. 6/3=2 2*4=8 6*3=18 18/4=4.5 3*4=12 6/12= .5 how you figure??? i completed high school, how bout you?
  17. ok, a bunch of you are old fucktards who havent been to school since the 1960's. things have changed since then, deal with it answers 2 old panzees.
  18. seriously though, calculators are right most the time but there are certain problems they cannot do.
  19. we need to take this to the board of education and slap the shit out of them, then ask why are differnt districs teaching different things. im sorry im slow on this form but im at work using a slow phone. apparently different districs are teaching different meaning of pemdas(for those who know it)
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