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Everything posted by scottie.harris

  1. I have a friend who was trying to sell his 600 to buy a 1000, but a lady hit his bike and totaled it while parked at a friends house. He just got the money from insurence so hes now looking for his new bike. I know he is a yamaha guy, but i dont think hes stuck on it. Got any good deals let me know and ill run it buy him.
  2. i like the sound of a bike, louder isnt always better but yea. My bike is loud but many people like it and i havent pissed the world of with it so i dont get complaints. Besides danballa has a louder exhaust than me, and harleys are even louder with their aftermarkets. I guess a plus is that when you can scare the piss out of construction workers on rides, isnt that right danballa...
  3. it keeps me sane, helps blow off stress and is fun.
  4. Well i got a craftsman "tool center", tools, tools, and a few more tools. oh and money. My dog was considered christmas but we got her early.
  5. Agree i was waiting for this too, i started with a miata. Anyone who plays one the PSN im lonewolfcrf. I love this game, its very addicting but i unfortunantly dont have the time to play much anymore.
  6. its all opinion, honestly i dont see why xbl is so much better. i have played online on both systems and there is no difference except price. The ONLY thing that is different is that ps3 will shut a server down for a short period of time for maintence every now and then. I only notice this on new games, rare that it happens, and it is only down for a few hours. Also onlince xbox limits everything you can put, goodlicken is accepted on psn, but xbox will ban it. the only thing that should really make the difference is the games you want that the other doesnt have.
  7. as far as fun, the playstaytion has all the good games just like xbox except halo and God of War (opinion). we got COD, need for speed, ect. The yeloow light of death was very rare and they fixed it. i use to be an xbox guy but playstation had more for the money, but jporter now the xbox just dropped its price so yes its cheaper. Its all in opinion of what you want.
  8. PS3 for several reasons, i use my ps3 to surf the net(like now), blueray looks much better, internet is free, Grand Turismo is better than forza, wifi, and NO RED RING OF DEATH!!!
  9. dude thats sick, no i just got off work actually.
  10. is it that small??? dang im sorry, tweezers?
  11. Today i got a yellow lab named Riley. Shes ten months old and very well behaved. got her for free, shes fixed, housebroke, and up 2 date on shots.this is my first dog, but my mom has a choc and black lab that i grew up with.
  12. must say though, this is an interesting thread.
  13. you want some whores? work at honda east liberty, theres tons.
  14. my grandpa has one and he has no problems so far. he loves it, i think his is a 2010 though same thing.
  15. thanks man, my mom has a friend who is paralyzed waist down and wants to ride a motorcycle. we were both wondering how it worked.
  16. relax i wasnt trying to disrespect anyone, just hving fun before i put the bike up for winter. i will say im sorry to anyone who was offended by it, for that waasnt my intention.
  17. great meeting some of the people i havent met, and pleasure seeing familar faces as well.
  18. I plan to raise the kat back to stock, however im having trouble finding stock links. Guess ill have to pay a ton to get it from a dealer. Casper that would be fun, but i would have to find a race suit, gloves, and boots for a price i can afford.
  19. i want the suit, but im way to small. i wear 30/32 pants, think itll fit?
  20. nevermind i found the requirements, maybe ill track the kat, or just buy another biek for the track.
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