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Everything posted by scottie.harris

  1. you would know what i did with it if you showed up. just like John and Phil said they would and never showed.
  2. i thought i heard you complaining saying its heavy jk i know i badly want it after my girlfriend and fellow busa rider ben pushing me to buy it.
  3. also thanks to cheech for the can-o-tuna i found on my bike...
  4. Nice seeing you all again and meeting some new people, im still looking into buying that busa they had, but thats only gonna happen if they still have it after i close on the house.
  5. i would rather not "feel" the road, as opposed to the feeling of "free as a bird".
  6. ill take the busa over the 14 anyday, IMO i think the 14 is ugly as hell. Kawi always view things as "well lets just put a bigger motor than the other guy on it", 600cc vs 636cc/ 1300cc vs 1400cc. The busas advantage is its been around longer so theres more aftermarket for it. theres no "better" bike, just which ever you have the taste for and as for winning goes who ever has the bigger balls wins. Back to the AWD topic, the best AWD design i have seen is christini, which they have been working on street bikes recently but specialize in dirtbikes. If i had the money to buy their AWD kit, which is the price of a new bike, i would.
  7. I did the same thing, but after i bought it, it went back to the main screen and never mentioned anything about a game or anything like that. i felt suckerd
  8. lonewolfcrf, im new so add me.
  9. thats how i am, its my favorite place to eat. i think the most ive spent there in a week is like $60 on just me.
  10. Imagen waking in the morning and finding this on youtube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wqf3J1iaz4
  11. welcome to OR, the place where smart remarks and passions are shared.
  12. damn im jealous, sweet bike. Im thinking about selling the katana and getting another bike as well.
  13. i rode a 954 which is the same thing, my only complaints are it got very hot in town and he kept blowing his front forks from wheelies. great other than that.
  14. ok its been a while since ive been on here, so heres the deal. 1. Hes interested in the RC51, i just sent him your pictures of it and well see on it. 2. Hes also interested in the R1's so post pictures and info on them.
  15. I just checked with a friend, and the netflix doesnt require a CD for the ps3.
  16. I would be riding but i have a dead battery... I miss kick starts, never had these problems.
  17. Thats why i put "another reason", but yea the government has a new devise that can see into houses and lead paint is almost the only thing it cant see through. or so ive heard.
  18. They use lead paint to block alot of stuff, not sure if it works on cell phones too but thats another reason the government wanted lead paint done away with.
  19. hes got 2500 cash and a wrecked bike, but told me he is approved for a loan for 8k for another bike.
  20. hes got a yamaha yzf600 wrecked, be perfect for a track bike if your interested in that as partial trade. it runs fine, but the plastics and lights are toast. He thinks that the forks are fine, but we havent looked into much.
  21. thanks i will run that by him, he still has is wreck bike so it might work out.
  22. Well if your interested i have a PS3 that has every goodie made for it basically. if you bought all this stuff now it would cost around 1400 at stores. If interested let me know.
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