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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. Mykill

    Sunday 10/23

    sportbikers ride planning with harley software
  2. ^agreed Then why do they write the serial number of the gun on the form
  3. Not going fast enough then. My I feel my GoPro on top of my helmet big time.
  4. 2400 for bike plus 650 shipping = 3150 for an 02 Not worth it IMO Look for something closer. Redkows and Standouts would be better.
  5. Damn. Just took the dogs out.... Have fun guys
  6. Good enough deal to run with. The 250r's are badass little bikes and so much fun.
  7. Whats the route to danville from newark?
  8. I did poured walls, driveways, sidewalks, basement floors, etc... for about 10 months when I was home from college. I loved it at the time. Good job work looks good.
  9. and lol at Brian having less reaction time than you.
  10. Mykill

    Monday 10/9

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB8uzt_SAyA&feature=feedu Video of 60.
  11. Ive seen it a few times at the store just havent pulled the trigger yet. Good to hear a review...looks like Ill have to add it to the list.
  12. Actually the whole point of the post was that my little four banger handled it just fine even at higher speeds. Trailer felt great and pulled smooth the whole trip. No troubles at all from my car. Keep on truckin' John, I'll be in touch.
  13. Because I was tailgating? I went 85 going down a mountain! with no one in a reasonable stopping distance and heading up another mountain which proceeded to scrub off all my speed. If I felt I couldnt stop in the amount of traffic I was in then I wouldnt have been going that fast. Happened often on the way there where I was going below the speed limit. You wont tow that speed in your setup because I doubt its in mountains and you have to higher revs pulling up a mountain...so I carried speed. Keep you common sense to yourself and in your situations where you are present.
  14. Ill be in touch when I start looking to get some equipment and more serious about.
  15. Is Jeffs listing what I would need to race ?
  16. Update. I got it installed by myself with no help. The instructions are good and they have videos on the youtubes to watch as well. The harderst part was getting my exhaust hangers off. My GF and I decided to head down to the dragon for a couple days. I rented a trailer from Uhaul and loaded the bike. The 4 cyl Accord pulled well all through Ohio and through the hills and mountains in KY and TN. It managed 20 MPG on the way down pulling steady at avg 70 mph. On the way home well I felt more confident and averaged 75-85mph (carrying speed up the "hills"). Car did great the whole way and got 19 MPG. Overall, I am very happy with the hitch and the way the car pulled. A lighter trailer definitely would have helped since I think the Uhaul trailer was on the heavy side.
  17. Mykill

    ADV rider

    I always read them when its slow at work. There are some amazing stories on there. Tonik posted one awhile back about a trip these guys took in Africa??? and it was the first one Ive read. It was still one of the best ones Ive read. Oh found it Angola.... http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=269251 EDIT: Maybe not work safe. There are topless pics of locals. National Geographic type pics, nothing 'pornographic'.
  18. Vances is giving out 3 free mags and one mag pouch with the purchase of any XD so the base one without the essentials is actually the way to go.
  19. I had a HK USP 40c and had trouble shooting it as well. Range time always helps though.
  20. Tell him you'll meet him at his place and you'd rather he not ride it go keep miles down. He prolly has no way of towing it so it's his best option
  21. Mykill

    10/17 ride

    Didn't lose focus, just focused on the wrong thing. Glad your ok Christian but Hutch gave good advice a few posts up that needs listened too.
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