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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. Not yet. I am going to take it out tomorrow afternoon when I get home from work and see if its still doing it. Change the oil again and check the filter and hopefully it fixes it...if not then I have no idea cuz I am no mechanic.

  2. Mykill

    This Saturday

    Im out. I rode out there today and started having problems with my bike. Have no idea what it is but oil light would blink on and the RPM's would drop to zero like I pulled the clutch. Any ideas? Have a good ride guys
  3. Does my motorcycle insurance cover my medical costs if I get in a wreck or is it my health insurance?
  4. Mykill

    ride today

    Ya I'll be there Saturday and can't wait to see the new roads. I was going to head over there tomorrow but with the flooding I'll just head to hocking.
  5. Mykill

    ride today

    Looks like I'm heading south tomorrow...
  6. Mykill

    This Saturday

    Sounds good. If the weather holds I'll be there Friday too riding.
  7. ^Good Song...ATR is sick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjhSnHxLVjk
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TloVf_gPVc
  9. Mykill

    This Saturday

    Two Fists and myself will be taking off around 2 and should be there about 2:40 with a gas stop if needed depending on how long we ride.
  10. Good looking route...hmmm
  11. Mykill

    This Saturday

    Ok. I'll PM you and see if we can work something out.
  12. Mykill

    This Saturday

    I should be good for Saturday. Jst where in Columbus are you? I can possibly ride over with you and I know the kfc so no worries on getting lost.
  13. Mykill

    This Saturday

    Hutch did you ever get that mount for your kodak figured out ?
  14. Mykill

    This Saturday

    I should have my bike ready by end of tomorrow so I may be in. Need to get some miles before April 16
  15. Looking good...going to look even better when I'm passing it.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAkLgdbaytg
  17. I have the same bike same slip on. Love it. If i get the bike together soon you can hear it in person before buying.
  18. Could you put a switch in the middle of the wire on the adaptor?
  19. That's why they all play college football and should stay and get their most likely free or discounted education. Minimum salary is 285k and high 400's after that third season. Ya still don't feel sorry for the average NFL player.
  20. Its an option. Im hoping I get the garage soon so I can paint it in there. If nothing else I am just going to spray paint it. Beginning of April I should have some time to do it.

  21. Mykill


    Streaming music that you can pick what plays. Users upload mp3 files and then you search and it streams. Great selection of songs. I have been using it the past few days and its great. Thought I would share just in case. http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/
  22. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2260291859.html Decent deal on the V if you still looking
  23. Mykill

    Ride Saturday?

    On paper 79 isn't bad. It's a fast road with fast and what Cheech said. Jst I would wait till it's a lil warmer and your more familiar with your bike plus im going to miss it lol. They ride this all year plenty of opportunities. I go out there as much as I can from Columbus and you can come along whenever. FYI your gonna be very cold by the time you get there. Trip out there sucks.
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