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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. 2 things. 1. Do I need to disconnect my headlight/tail light? 2. Just taping my OEM signals is ok? They stick out...not far but ???
  2. I leave a fair amount of space between me and the other car. I let the clutch out slow to inch forward if/when I need to. I usually am to one side of the lane (whichever is easier or safer to "eject" to). I always watch the rearview and tap my brakes when someone is coming up behind me when I am stopped. Sounds like you handled it well. Just keep riding, watching others and always leave an exit.
  3. I got a pair of touring type leather boots I'll sell ya. I think they are 11. Text me and I'll send ya a pic. I'm thinking $30 they are over the ankle and leather.
  4. I may ride sunday depending on how the track goes Saturday. I'll let you know hutch.
  5. Mykill

    KY ride???

    Hopefully a junkie posts up if not I'll ask for a route recommendation on their forum. They ride there alot. 10/22 are the ones I hear most.
  6. Mykill

    KY ride???

    I just got my work schedule I'm free the weekend of the 21. So let's do that one
  7. Mykill

    KY ride???

    Sounds good to me.
  8. Mykill

    KY ride???

    I'm in. End of may work on a saturday or Sunday?
  9. Im going to try to ride as much as I can to work this year. I dont like the freeway commute at the at the times I go but not doubling my commute time for nothing.
  10. Mykill

    New bike

    Looking good. I love the setup. I would think you have your first trip lined up?
  11. Roads look cool. I would be down for a trip down there sometime this summer.
  12. Let me know when you want to ride. I'll venture out into traffic with ya.
  13. Hoblick hooked me up . Installed my chain/sprocket kit, mounted some fresh rubber, and changed my brake fluid. He did a hell of a job and answered all of my dumb questions. Great guy, great service and he will get all my future business.
  14. Correct but now its free through the prison. Win/Win.
  15. I guess Medicaid doesn't pay for circumcisions.
  16. Me too. My next bike is going to be a SV they are sweet bikes.
  17. Your going to make a hell of a weatherman. So at what looks to be 50-55 degrees saturday and maybe rain is my one piece going to be warm enough or should I bring thermals for underneath? It's only 20 minute sessions so shouldn't get too cold right?
  18. Mykill

    Sunday ride

    Wish I didnt have to work. Looks like a hell of a turn out. Have fun, ride safe fella's.
  19. Your north Cincy so just head east to SE Ohio and ride around at your own pace. Ride as many twisty roads as you can. As you feel more comfortable youll pick up speed and lean more. Ride with someone who is better have them lead but nothing fast and stay pace with them and youll see the person in front of you taking the turn at a speed and then you will see its safe. Ride when minimal traffic is on the road at first. I still ride when traffic is light as much as possible.
  20. Was it Friday? The person in front of me was buying a Kimber and 45 ammo.
  21. This is the guy that went down....on page 22
  22. http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=65237&page=17 This is where it starts. This is what everyone is referring to. The guy cane over a hill onto a slower rider, breaker and straightened it into a ditch fairly low speed. There's pictures in the thread.
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