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Everything posted by 2talltim

  1. With the ratcheting system i can actually do it on the fly. Just can't believe of all the places to do it , i did it there.
  2. You winz all the interwebz for the next 60 seconds.
  3. Bingo!! Got half way through the dragon run. Wicked it up "to the speed limit" in a "passing zone" to pass a car and heard the buckle hit the helmet. Obviously had a "that could have been real bad" moment.
  4. Nope not that, is there really any "correct line" on the dragon? Every turn is so different.
  5. There is something wrong with my riding in the first 3 pics. See if you can find it. It's in all 3 No it's not my visor being up. I always ride that way. But it is a huge nono mistake.
  6. Your photo shopping needs help
  7. My boots have 50k miles on them and not worn out yet.
  8. Not really why do you ask that. Im almost always riding on the balls of my feet. Yes my outside toes are usually pointing to the outside of the turn but no choice with sasquatch legs. Inside toes are still tucked. When my peg touches maybe the corner of my toe hits but that's because my foot is slightly wider than the peg
  9. Yea I noticed that too. Older fella. Not really all there. Super nice but I could tell by the BS he was spewing that I didn't really want to ride with him.
  10. Dick! Ill have proof later it wasn't me. (Waiting for my hi res email from kill boy) As far as anyone else. I didn't see him in the back ground of any other photos. Even looked through all the cars in the same time frame.
  11. This cracks me up. I met and talked to this guy at the motel. All he did was talk about how fast he was on his connie. And that he would like to ride with me but he would let me lead so he would not leave me. We never rode together but now I wish we had. Every pic i found of him on killboy had a line of cars, harleys or other slow vehicles lined up behind him.
  12. This is whats on my Zumo as I'm rolling. Can also take snaps as I'm rolling video and it doesn't interrupt
  13. Wasn't a pretty sight of my fat ass trying to hover with my gear on.😱
  14. Manually. There is a app on my Zumo where i can start and stop videos and take snaps wirelessly.
  15. Few more snap pics taken off the VIRB cam. Including one of the underwear saving shitter in BFE that had no lights but I didn't care. just shined my headlights in the door and gotter dun. Captain D's for dinner the night before might have been a bad idea.
  16. A couple screen shots from my VIRB action cam from the new section of the foothill parkway Friday night just after sunset.
  17. Got home around 6p. Just slabbed home to avoid a lot of the rain. Got wet a little in Lexington but that was it. 1620 total miles for the weekend and my batteries are officially recharged.
  18. Clip from the races last night. https://youtu.be/twcUW2qb13M
  19. I fixed it already. Damn auto correct on my phone put metal instead of mental
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