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Posts posted by 2talltim

  1. It's probably a good thing that things worked out the way that they did. My buddy backed out on Friday afternoon and we didn't go. It sucks! I don't get excited for much but I was really looking forward to the trip. Hope you had a good time!

    our trip was ok...it rained 3 or the 5 days but we got 2 good days of riding in...im thinkning of another trip this year maybe we can hook up

  2. Oh snap, sorry i forgot to add...I leaving for vaycay Saturday so id like to find somewhere that i didnt have to have them shipped...with the holiday i doubt they would make it to me

  3. Do you have to stop to turn?

    It's ok to occasionally squid it up. Hell I even made what I call my squid suit. But I rarely wear it. I had it out once last year, felt naked. Its a suit jacket I bought at good will cut the sleeves off and threw patches on. Lol.

    i dont have to stop to turn but i swear they do sometimes...LOL... this group i ride in is a lot of newb riders(my wife included) and a couple overloaded 600 shadows that cant get out of there own way..they are great people but they all need bigger bikes especially the 2 ups..some times the ride is boring for me but they are good company

  4. does anyone know of anywhere or anyone that sells fake oakleys? I love oakley styles but my last 2 pairs of real ones were lost then stolen:nono: i am not paying another $140 for another pair, but id pay $20 for fakes if i can get ahold of some. We went riding yesterday and came out of wendy's to find my tank bag was open and my M-frames gone:mad:. So if anyone has the hook up let me know..thanks

  5. ill admit i dont always wear gear but it's usually when im rideing with a group of freinds that have many 2up small cruisers(900cc or smaller) that rarley go over 50mph and i would venture to say thet of this group i am the best rider of the bunch and i alway ride in the back plus i dont take any unnessesary risk when gear is off...does this make me a squid for the day when i do this? But the other 80% of the time i wear gear Jacket, gloves, lid

  6. One that you can "tuck", i.e. inside the waistband and still tuck your shirt in, so that it (in theory, if not always in practice) you don't look like you're carrying to other people.


  7. little info to help you sell

    I have a 9mm sigma, yes its has a hard trigger but i use it as my carry gun 1. its cheap, if its lost, stolen, confiscated, or damaged your not out a lot of $$$ 2. its light and fairly compact 3. hi-cap 17 shot for the 9mm(16+1) 4.it's very reliable ive sent over 1000 rds through mine and never a misfire 4. lots of holsters for it (takes the same as the m&p)...with enough practice you get used to the trigger pull

  8. legal or not just try to open carry up high st. someday and see how many "there a guy with a gun" phone calls the LOEs get...it's BS i agree and regardless if it legal or not i dont encourage open carry either..they might not get you for the gun but i'v hear of people getting sitted for insighting a panic

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