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Everything posted by 2talltim

  1. Only pic i took today while waiting for @Dre in Byesville. Made it to Beckley, it rained on the slab, had beer and meat to dry the wounds. Hopelly the weather holds out a little tomorrow. For the twisty bits
  2. Last time my battery took a shit I could jump it and get it running but as soon as I removed the jumper it died. Some newer bikes can't run on stator alone
  3. They are also circling the drain in my opinion.
  4. I agree let them die. I think that company has been taking advantage of their consumers for decades. Selling a not premium product for a premium price. Building huge cathedral type buildings on the coat tails of the douped fan base. Time to let them wallow in their own demise because they refuse to give in to what the masses wanted at a price point the average joe could afford.
  5. Me and the wife took both bikes down to WV and Senecca Rocks and Spruce Knob last weekend. Her first long trip on the Injun. 720 miles in 2 days and had a great time. Got some video footage too but haven't gotten around to editing yet. Couldn't upload last week because I kept getting errors.
  6. Gone. Amazing how quick things disappear when you put free stuff on FB Marketplace
  7. These came off my wife's Indian Scout with only 3000 miles on them. Nothing wrong with them we just went with a upgraded tire for more touring miles. Free for the taking ill help mount them too for a 12 small 12oz donations or a bottle of spiced rum. They are the Kenda K673 sizes are Front Tire 130/90-16 72H Rear Tire 150/80-16 71H
  8. Why didn't you ask me? I thought I told you I can do tires? Maybe I didn't? I've mounted tires for 6 different vome in theist month alone.
  9. Ironic that you said that. Took mine out for a shake down and everything felt fine. Came back started to clean up and couldn't find my 10mm snap on allen socket. At that moment I realized I'd fucked up. I took the socket off the ratchet and spun the bolt on the rear caliper by hand. Then got distracted, phone call i think. And didn't go back to tighten it. Socket still in the bolt. Once I realized this I checked the bolt only in half way at this point and socket is gone. Got my other socket and tightened it, thank God it didn't back all the way out on my shake down ride. Rear brakes would have failed and probably locked up and broke stuff. Once that was squared away I walked the driveway in hopes to find my $30 socket. And there it was by the mail box. That whole thing could have been worse if I hadn't left the socket in the bolt and it not been missing when I cleaned up. Then on my gap trip next weekend the bolt backed out and put me in the hospital.
  10. Added this to my Google Maps stared places for future reference thanks.
  11. Worn out my rear tare chasing the mrs. and her ingun up 250 though WV last weekend. New T30 mounted and ready for the dirty south. Dont think this one was going to git r dun
  12. Update...we are no longer camping at the gap. We are now staying at the 2 Wheel Inn in Robbinsville those 2 nights. And there are now 4 of us going.
  13. Yup been on 209&208 many time they are fun. Some times gravel in the corners but some times that happens. 80 is what they call the Devils Whip we'll be hitting it but not sure if it will be in the evening or next morning so didn't put it on the maps yet. I'll have to check out that 1308
  14. 2talltim


    While it wasn't hard to figure out. I hid your actual street address in your post. I this is a public forum on the interwebz. You never know who might try to use it or go there for illicit reasons. If you end up hosting an event feel free to post it at that time.
  15. That's why you stay in elevation. Not my first rodeo. Edit: never mind just realized you were talking to Pauly...LOL
  16. 2talltim


    Welcome! Your property on Wally Rd next to the xxxxxx Campground? Sorry I looked it up, was curious because that's close to me.
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