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Everything posted by 2talltim

  1. Not sure what's my problem lately but even though I've got about 7000 miles on my bike so far this year I haven't touched it in over 6 weeks.
  2. Part 4...first 50 seconds or so were me explaining how I was having issues this day and not many camera angles....
  3. Revisit it, treated wood is hard to find right now and prices of it are skyrocketing. Concrete is almost zero maint.
  4. Why I don't commute on my bike. Too many critters out here in the Stix to worry about.
  5. Well stepped up my game today with a 3rd camera and new laptop. My old dinosaur computer just took way too long to import, edit and export. the new computer is 4 times what the old one was. So maybe ill get less frustrated while editing now. Also might need to look into a different edting software because I've found limitations on the VIRB Edit software I can't seen to get around. Which is a bummer because im getting really fluent with it. For the ones that haven't seen my other post with recent trip videos check out my channel and subscribe. Still learning and still figuring things out but im honestly enjoying the new side hobby. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCztXuEWA499C22dwW0zYb5Q?view_as=subscriber
  6. Looks to be true story says he was killed on his birthday and @LINK profile on here says his birthday was yesterday. RIP brother haven't seen him in years. https://morganton.com/news/local/victim-identified-in-fatal-wreck-on-nc-126/article_be2e2dc8-d079-11ea-a9c3-5b2954cf120b.html#:~:text=Troy%20Dean%20Benson%2C%2049%2C%20of,on%20Benson's%20birthday%2C%20Macchia%20said.
  7. I worshed all the dirty south off of them. Now we need to go back to resoil them.
  8. Day 2 video is up...day 3 will be the good stuff but will be a few more days before im to it.
  9. Sorry it took so long folks but day one of our bike trip south is finally up. This was our route through Kentucky working our way towards Tennessee on July 4th, 2020 Fun day watching wife getting into her grove. Starting editing part 2 now. Link below, subscribe to my channel for more.
  10. Welp due to covid think im just going to stick to the mountains of the south. Probably just explore Ky and WV more on the way down and head to the gap for 2 or 3 nights of camping at the gap resort. Can never go wrong with that trip. I will be headed down the last week of Sept. (9/27-10/4) mini bike races are at the gap the night of the 3rd so thats a bonus. Not really wanting a group or anything planned will probably totally wing it. Camp or super cheap hotels. I really don't want to worry about what others that are with me are thinking or if I'm not doing things the way they want. Don't get me wrong I love the camaraderie of fellow riders. But this trip i don't want to be the guy that's got the plan or everybody looks to to say now what or where. That being said I'm not opposed to Tagalongs but that is exactly what you will be the tag along. Don't get mad at me if I want to stop 25 times in a day or if I don't want to stop at all. Not sure how much better to say that. I love having company go with me but I want to be able to travel ans make mid day decisions like I'm by myself does that make sense? Anyway thats the plan, hit me up if you want to meet up for this trip in either crossing paths or as a tag along.
  11. Yup I used to have it velcro on my windscreen but got tired of seeing the velcro on there when not in use. Now i just keep in in my tank storage and pop it out and hold it in my hand when needed through the gates.
  12. Any cheap or free camping around there that you know of?
  13. Me and the Mrs. are going to Destin FL next month and plan on a trip to Barber on the way down. I though about Colorado but just the time that it takes to get there and back greatly decreases the fun road riding time for a one week trip. Thanks for the ideas though. And y'all know I always post pics of my trips to make you all green with envy.
  14. Yeah everyone knows PB Blaster is for the Track and WD40 is for the street. WTF is wrong with him?
  15. You all know me somewhat and where I've ridden and seen and what I like and don't like. Any week long trip ideas for the end of Sept or beginning of Oct? Kind getting burned out on the same trips i always do. Y'all got anything outside the box that I haven't done or thought of that I can squeeze into 6 or 7 days and be just as fun as my travels into the dirty south? Also game for anyone to join me for hotel and or camping on this trip. But no fair weather riders or complainers or someone that just wants to bitch that my trip isn't perfect for them. Or someone that comes ill preapred for anything a week long bike can throw at them.Damn! Sucks I have to make a disclaimer like that anymore. I'm truly game for anything. Even tossed around ideas of trip to key west(pending on what covid is doing) maybe back up to Maine or even the up into U.P. Maybe another stab at the Ozarks since the last trip was a really wet one and didn't hit it all. Been on this bunk a biker FB group that offers free camping spots and even beds to moto travelers. Might check it out more too.
  16. BRP, the snake and Back of the dragon today.
  17. What you talkin bout Willis? I've had the same bike for 7 years. Your loosing your mind. 😁 :lol: Eventually they turn purple and falls off but thats only after you go blind. Wait? Wut?
  18. Here is my biggest issue with mask....PEOPLE WON'T STOP FUCKING WITH THEM!... You put a mask on your face with clean(ish) hands you should leave it the fuck alone. Traveling this week here has been my observations. Workers, servers, travelers basically everyone. Is reaching up and touching their face, mouth and mask seemingly every 30 seconds. In my opinion is this is actually worse than not wearing one in some ways. Mask are making people put their hands near on on their face and mouths far more then the should be. Your server at the restaurant is wearing mask to protect you (supposedly). He has his mask on around you, goes to the kitchen drops it, fidgits with it, wipe the sweat from his chin from the mask being worn. Then refills you're drink, brings you condiments ect. You touch these items with your hands while eating your food. Case 2: Average Joe walking or driving down the street not required to wear one unless walking into a business. But his hands go to his mask and mouth every time he has to put it back on. Now his germs are all over his hands then touches everything around him. Then the next guy does the same. I think we were beter off when we were preaching WASH YOURS HANDS and STOP TOUCHING YOUR FACE and KEEP YOUR DISTANCE
  19. Made a run down to the Dragon, Foothills, 28, Cherokee and SMNP today.
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