again, you have no idea because you have never done it. i gave it a shot, i got my happy ass thrown from a bike quicker than an excuse comes out of your mouth. yes, bikes are faster stock for stock, but there is nothing in the world like doing work on a bike. i can do 130mph in a car and not flinch, 120 mph on a bike will change your life. ive been 180 in a car, shits crazy, 130mph on a bike feels like your chest is coming through your back. 9s in a car is impressive im not saying its not, but if you hit something with the right equitpment you have a high chance of walking away with a few bruises ( ive seen it). idgaf what you are wearing when you wreck on a bike, that shit hurts like hell and the %s of you making it are slim. you dont know what you are looking at whe you watch bikes race so i wouldnt expect you to know the amount of shit that goes on.