Tim, its official. You are a one sided, firm feet planted, close minded, self rightous, ass hole. No joke if i ever met you in person, my shock level would be sky high if you spoke this confident in person. You seem to have all the answers of " what shouldve" happened in your posts. What you would do, and how things should go. If you are that scared to go down morse and karl w/o a gun then you have a sad sad sense of the world. You are a fucking pussy, and your actions through your words prove it. I would love to see you in a real troubled situation, you would crumble under real life pressure.
Zimmerman wanted to be a hero, the police dispatch told him to stay in the car and let the police deal w/ it. Did he do that? Nope. He put himself in that situation and for that, I dont feel for him.
If a strange dude walks up on me, after he has been following me for a while, Im not running. If he gets out like he wants a confrintation, again, Im not running. Was it illegal for Z to question T.M? Nope, but if Z wouldve stayed in the car and let the law do its job, he wouldnt be in this position.