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Everything posted by phil

  1. phil


    ^^^^^ that pic will never get old
  2. phil


    time out, im banned, but im not?? im so mind fucked rite now
  3. phil


    when was i banned again?
  4. phil


    being 92 yrs old his vision is distorted
  5. phil


    930 in the morning lol, i got a call from erik at like 5 am
  6. phil


    or i decided to go somewhere that was more age appropriate for someone like myself. being locked in a room full of grave warmers isnt my idea of a blasty blast. we partied in the hotel before we got there. and im sure you still had that same drink the entire nite.
  7. phil


    i didnt know you could be that drunk off one drink that you sipped on all nite. im suprised you made it that long, god knows matlock went off 2 hrs before that.
  8. phil


    let me break down a 2 sentence insult for you. 1 " suck my dick" id think pretty self explanitory, but if its not then lets dig deeper. By me telling you to perform oral acts on my penis, its a degrading fashion as you are a man, as am i. in prison, that one that is performing an oral act on the other mans private area is known as "The Bitch". 2. "Pussy Whipped" In essance, when someone calls you this, they are baiscally saying that you are now under the power of the P.U.S.S.Y. most guys find a way to control this substance, but for the few that dont know what to do with it have their lives re manned. By being Re-manned, you have now given up all your rights as a man to have any say in the control of your destiny. In a profesional setting this is considered a yes man. hopefully that helps you understand what i just broke down in one sentence.
  9. phil


    i dont have green hair
  10. phil


    suck my dick pussy whipped. wheres my wedding invitation?
  11. phil


    as ive heard from many people.... let the guy get his first taste of authority and he goes nuts. gotta love people that have been on the bottem so long
  12. phil


    well atleast im providing some upgrades
  13. phil


    i heard you let the mod power go to your dome... sucks to see you converted to the other side... now i will have to delete your number.
  14. After hours of anthony begging me to come back i finally accepted his offer. You whiney bitches have no idea how much i didnt miss you. Im not gonna lie, the only person i missed was tilly. the rest of you cock gobblin, non racing, cry baby ass hoes can suck on a small pig dick. Brian carter text me everyday asking me to log in. :fuuuu: Bringing the drama back like lebrons hairline. Oh, and fuck the new mods:gabe:
  15. phil

    Dear wnaplay...

    Hey u ain't gonna hear a word from me, I said what I had to say. People say shit and act like it ain't gonna come to lite. It is what it is. Note to self, don't call out protected mods cause the big bosses will jump your shit. How is it I promote and do more shit for this site and spend tons of money with sponsors but most of the useless fucks catch way less heat than I?
  16. phil

    Dear wnaplay...

    Be the power of the Internet.... Take shit way to serious. Not even worried
  17. phil

    Dear wnaplay...

    Hahah idk what you think this is but you arnt getting names Tina. I get that you married into this web site and all but just cause you say it doesn't mean I'm listening to you... I'm sure the ban hammer is coming soon now.
  18. phil

    Dear wnaplay...

    Dear Jason; It troubles me to hear that you dislike me. I'm hurt, deeply hurt that you dislike me. I wish I knew what it was. Maybe my good looks, or my brash and flamboyant attitude. Maybe it's my awesomeness that you can't stand. I know it's rough being a bum ass, janky, broke dick, internet moderating emo, but when talking behind someones back about how u don't like them, maybe it's not them that you don't like. Maybe it's you. I know if I were you I would have off'd myself years ago to save my family the embarrassment. I mean honestly, the only reason your a mod is cause Anthony thought you needed something to do to occupy your time fearing that the stress of being a total failure in life was to much for you to handle. Almost like that time you wanted to fight me a hooters, Anthony had to call mento tell me not to go break you in pieces because it's not a good look when an already handicapped sloth like yourself gets his ass kicked. If you did t like me before, I'm hoping this thread makes you fucking hate me. The truth is, the Internet is serious bidness and everything should be taken so serious. It's ok that you don't like me, I would hate me to If I were you. Have a wonderful evening Anne I wish you nothing but the best. When I say that, the best you will do is a knock off brand of Ramon noodles and tap water. Please continue to bore us with your shitty sob stories about your life, continue selling your used bull shit no one wants to buy, continue being a whiney bitch ass mod who does nothing but complain. Fuck you, The Great One.
  19. moorespeed does awesome work. i kno he is busy rite now, but keep trying. jon does great work
  20. phil

    Oh god why

    my trips are better than tillys cause GREG FACE
  21. phil

    Oh god why

    OMFG.... DID I JUST READ THAT?:fuuuu:
  22. phil

    Oh god why

    hmmmm..... have you ever rode in it?the floor is the least of his issues
  23. phil

    Oh god why

    INTEGRATRON :gabe::gabe::gabe: If chris buys this and paints it flat black, i will think he will have made an upgrade. sad isnt it
  24. phil

    Oh god why

    not sure if srs:confused:
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