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Josh1234 last won the day on July 15 2014

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About Josh1234

  • Birthday 06/25/1979

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    Currently none :(

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  1. Sorry, I sold it in November! I haven't gotten around to updating my profile here.... It had lost its appeal to me. I was going to have to put it in a storage unit for the winter, since we were moving and living in a temp spot for 3 months until they built our house. I found a guy who would pay me more for it than I bought it for. I couldn't turn down the profit and not having to store it all winter, sorry! They DO come up for sale pretty often, though, since lots of people buy them and then realize they're nothing like other motorcycles.
  2. Such a poor rider, your bike flew away without you (avatar)
  3. I liked it just fine for what it was... Great commuter, high build quality, reliable, worry-free. I DIDN'T like the lack of style or the lack or "zip." It forces you to ride boring. But the storage was GREAT
  4. Josh1234

    House advice.

    The house that I just bought... Was built in 2016
  5. Check out Rider insurance... they were INSANELY cheaper that the same company as my auto. http://www.rider.com/
  6. Sounds like fun, but I'll be on vacation in April Next year, though! NinjaEdit: Hey, maybe I'll even have a bike next year!
  7. Is it a northern thing to call them strip clubs and a southern thing to call them titty bars? Strip club sounds classier, I guess?
  8. For a billion we could build our own
  9. Haha, I had Intrax on one of my Stealths... 3S's were notorious for wheel gap. I LOVED them things... Made the car look 50 times better, and I never cared about the ride.
  10. Provide upper price limit, hahaha
  11. Nah. I'm Jewish, not Italian, and I don't care TOO much about college football. Sure, enough to root for the Buckeyes when Playing Michigan, but not enough to watch the game. Plus, the wife and I are building a house (in Willoughby), so I don't have any money. Also, my cave will be more of a nerd cave than a man cave, I'm afraid.
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