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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Rcvd addy & paypal - Thank you! I should be able to drop off tonight. Will post when done.
  2. replied. I said $55 in the PM, but $50 is a much rounder number, so we'll go with that
  3. Anything you buy now (especially a starter bike) will sell for a profit in the spring (unless it's from a dealer). Don't spend 4 grand on your first bike. Make sure you like riding, you can be decent at it, and you've learned how much it sucks to drop a motorcycle before you buy one you like and want to keep nice. It'll only be your first bike - there's plenty of time to change it up later & try something else.
  4. Yep, Lyndhurst. I can normally make it home by 5:45 if then or shortly after works best. Thinking about 500 or 1000 foot boxes?
  5. welcome aboard! I'll let the cruiser folks answer the questions about organized rides
  6. Time to find out if this stuff is worth scrapping. I'd rather haul it to a scrap yard than mail it somewhere
  7. No problem, you can leave it at my place until you sell it
  8. Lesse, a Ninja 500 in near-mint condition, all the cat-5 cable you want, and a grand in cash
  9. I'm 6'2, suckas. Love it.
  10. Prometheus 2 is being made right now
  11. I give an exaggerated nod of my helmet if my hands are busy, haha.
  12. I always wave. Half the time I don't get waves in return from cruisers with no gear on, but I just tell myself that if you're on a bike, and someone waves at you, and you don't wave back... then you're just a dick, plain and simple.
  13. Here's how it works in another country, just in case anyone is interested in just plain old "another way of doing things." In Germany, each student, while in high school, chooses 1 of three lengths: I think they're 8, 10, or 12 years. If you wanna be a garbage man or laborer or something, you only have to complete 8th grade. If you want to have a semi-professional job, or work in an office, you have to go through tenth grade. If you want to go to college/university to get a degree & a technical or highly-trained position, you go through 12th grade. THEN you go to college for your Doctor or lawyer training, or whatever. Keep in mind that it's all paid for and nothing comes out of pocket from the student. Without getting into my thoughts on the German government & society, it seems like a good idea to let each student decide for themselves how much schooling they really want, and what kind of job requires it. Here it seems like parents decide, and going to a 4-year college is the defacto expected decision.
  14. Went 6 for 8 in softball tonight! Woot. Funny post from Julie
  15. LOL, I'm down for the referral bonus
  16. OMG that's awesome. Love it.
  17. My wife is German, and refuses to pay for education (it's free for Germans - if they're in Germany). She got a 2-year degree from Tri-C, and then got into the honors program at Cleveland State, which is a full scholarship. She graduated from there with a BA in International Business. Got a job at a place that will pay for her grad school as long as she gets good grades. This way it might take her longer, but she can get her master's degree for free, essentially. I got out of undergrad with $14,000 in student loans, but my dad is paying for them.... Thanks to my mom, it was in the divorce agreement She always said her kids were entitled to straight teeth and a college education, so the orthodontist and college were in the divorce agreement, haha. That 14K is from the first two years only of college only, though, as I got a scholarship for the last two. I guess my wife and I are both pretty lucky...
  18. Are you a C# .NET developer?
  19. If she were smart, she would go to professional photographer, have a very tasteful photo taken, and then send it to him. Cash in on the $100,000 reward, have her college paid for, and prove that she can outsmart him.
  20. If he gripes about selling as a lot, I might be interested in the boots & gloves. You can never really have too many, right?
  21. I do software QA for a really laid-back company in downtown Cleveland. I got offered a position by Harley-Davidson, and they offered me more money (another $5,000) but I turned it down to work here, because of the culture. No dress code, free sodas, and a free snack closet with lots of junk food. And healthy stuff, if that's your thing, but hey, c'mon... let's be honest here Oh, and an unlimited vacation policy. Oh, and they buy us free lunch every Friday.
  22. I'm in! But I'm going to Cedar Point on Saturday. So just tell me if I would've won, and then re-roll for another lucky person
  23. Isn't he doing anew video every day for 8 days in a row or something?
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