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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. I had a pretty awesome two days... I made $150 for nothing, already mentioned. That night, I got home with my wife and there was a young racoon stuck in the dumpster He must have fallen into the gap between the two lids, and it was empty so he couldn't get out. I dropped in a two-by-four for him to use as a ladder/walkway and waited quietly for 5 minutes out of sight. Sure enough, up he went and he was on his way. That made me feel good. Yesterday, I dropped my motorcycle key while walking from the parking lot to the softball field I knew it as soon as I reached the bleachers to take off my riding pants. I hustled back to the bike since I only had a few minutes until the game started, watching the ground as I went, but didn't see it.... While walking back to the field from the bike, I DID find it, right in the grass on the edge of the cement walkway. Phew! Then I went 3-for-4 in the first game, with a triple and 2 doubles, and then I had the game-winning hit in the second game
  2. Effects pedal for the acoustic? I'm not sure, but I think I have an SD-1 lying around at home that wasn't worth selling back to guitar center... Will that work or is it for electric only?
  3. I had to drop my car off for service this morning, and I was too exhausted after softball to use the night drop last night... Meaning I had to carpool with my wife to work instead of ride And it's supposed to be rainy this weekend ...But if all goes well, maybe I'll go look at a bike or two tonight and maybe buy one
  4. Since you asked what I think... I think all those groups were the subject of oppression and/or discrimination to a much higher degree than white makes. It's just you. "Pride" does not need to be reserved for something you've achieved. You can "take pride" in who you are. The problem is when pride in who you are turns into the opposite of that for people who WEREN'T born the way you were. Probably because "White pride" was used to oppress others, not actually take pride in being white. I see nothing inherently wrong with a bunch of straight white guys taking pride in being white & straight. The problem is when they're using it as an excuse to be douchebags to people who are NOT white & straight.
  5. I don't understand all the hatred for college degrees. Yes, college is expensive, but in a thread about making sound financial choices, then being in debt for 10 years (o whatever) it takes to pay back the loans is well worth it if it means your earning potential is so much higher for the next 20-30-40 years of your working life. Plenty of studies have been done that look at earning potential WITH a college degree as opposed to WITHOUT one. Yes, you can cite all the exceptions to the rule, but the fact of the matter is that college grads make far more money on average than HS grads that didn't go to college. Yes, you can also also tell me "yeah but the extra money they make goes to paying back debt!" but you know that once the debt is paid off, the "extra" money they make because they have a degree is 100% profit that the non-college person doesn't get.
  6. 3 boxes gone. Don't make me scrap the rest!
  7. His family has money Hey I'm not complaining, it's the 4th or 5th amp I've picked up since I moved into the condo complex. The 2nd I've sold to Guitar center, although the last one wasn't for $150. If you want an amp cheap, I'll give you a holler next time I pick one up
  8. He visits the music store several times a week. He likes to buy effects pedals and amps. Every so often... there's a gently used but mostly-new amp sitting next to the dumpster
  9. well that makes my story less fun, but it's still good news for me... I found a guitar practice amp next to the dumpster where the neighbor likes to leaves them, took it in to guitar center to sell, and they gave me $150 for it.
  10. Congrats! I was on a cruise in January and one of the excursions I did was an intro to SCUBA dive in the Caribbean... Loved it!
  11. Please, please, give me about 8 more cents This is good info. I did make an offer of 3K on the bike, but I doubt she'll take it. I also mentioned I'd need her to meet me around the Columbus area, so it'll have to be ridden that far from Dayton, so if anything happens in the first hour of the bike on the road, it'll happen to her, not me If she trailers it, though, that's another matter.
  12. FWIW, the seller has said that the tank isn't rusted, the carbs & tires are good, etc. I don't know much about hoses & what not, but there you have it. I def agree with the fact that the bike has been sitting for a long long time unused. The post on yzf600r.com is here: http://www.yzf600r.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=68808 and that's from about 3 weeks ago. I saw it on Craigslist yesterday: http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/4581957181.html Apparently Ashlee bought the bike from a guy in his 50's.... and then never rode it? Or he never rode it. In any event, I wish it were closer so I could look at it. The painted one for 2500 was listed for 3500 a couple weeks ago, and obviously no one bought it. He says $2,500 firm and I'm willing to bet he won't take less But at least warren is less than an hour from me, so I can probably take a look at it this weekend. Ashlee seems to have a case of "I'm gonna get retail dealer price from my bike, and even more because it's so minty fresh" syndrome. We all know the best way to sell a bike is to take that cash offer that's waved under your nose, but I'm willing to bet she wouldn't go for it. I'd really like to buy one of these bikes, since they're pretty close to what I ultimately want, but until then, I'm gonna keep rockin' the ole Ninja 500 quite happily
  13. well that's everything, if Jonan ever checks this thread... Or one of us could respond to craigslist
  14. He sent me some more recent pics via txt, with the fairings back on. He said the paint was done before he bought it, and that the bike fell over once in his dad's garage, where he stores it. For all I know, the fairings are just covering up damage. There's one scuff on the tail, but it doesn't look that bad. I'm really looking for another yzf-600, so my two leading contenders are this '07 for $2,500 w/ 8k miles, or an '06 in Dayton for 4K with only 1,000 miles. I won't find one as clean or with less miles, but I don't know if the seller will budge from $4,000. It's also much further away. But it has stock exhaust, which I want... I bet that D&D on the painted one is way too loud
  15. I thought this thread was going to be about the RNC in Cleveland
  16. I'm looking at this bike: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/mcy/4543231660.html And he said he painted the frame. It looks like some parts of the engine have been painted, also. Is that a no-no because it'll interfere with heat-dissipation, or does it not really matter as long as he used high-temp header paint?
  17. Subscribed. I'm probably good most weekends with enough notice.
  18. dangit, I just bought a camera off them last week.
  19. that sucks that you got taken, but hopefully you learned a lesson, too, about sending money as a "gift." Thanks for taking the time to post; it gives the rest of us a heads up about a shady shop.
  20. What height/weight are you? Congrats on the new ride... I'm still hoping to win the lottery so I can buy your beautiful SV, but in reality, I'll probably end up on a cheaper yzf-600.
  21. Here's a red one for 4,000 in Akron: http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/4578610781.html
  22. congrats! Craigslister or someone from here?
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