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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Happily taken. I realized later I probably looked like a dork, walking out in socks & sandals, but it's just because I rode in and only had riding boots otherwise! Enjoy the day tomorrow, and here's hoping it doesn't rain!
  2. My wife's company has their cedar point day tomorrow. We have 5 extra tickets that don't have a home! If you want some/all of them, they're yours if you'll use them. The catch is that you have to meet us there tomorrow to GET them, or come pick them up from me tonight. I work until 5 - 5:30ish in downtown Cleveland, have a softball double-header from 6:30 until about 9 or 9:30, and then I'm available in Richmond heights/lyndhurst if you want them. They're only good for tomorrow (which is Saturday, July 19, 2014).
  3. If you get bored, ride up to mayfield heights and get the tag in the "tag NEO version" thread
  4. Drat! Working until 5, then softball game at 6:30. At least I rode to work today
  5. Hey it let me sell my first two bikes for profit, I can't complain It just takes patience and the right ad.
  6. What kind of crap have they been saying/offering?
  7. LOL I posted in the other thread that I bought that camera too As for Kreiga, they might make great bags, but they sure make shitty websites. I tried to check them out yesterday and their website wouldn't load.
  8. The US shot down an Iranian airline, but in the 80's, and nothing happened. Well, until they mined the gulf and one hit a US Navy ship, but that was military retribution, not commercial/political.
  9. Looks just like the T-rex.
  10. It's a cover. All of his videos are starting to look the same
  11. It's not like OUR country has never shot down a commercial airliner </snark> Did they find any proof yet that someone shot it down using a missile on purpose?
  12. Moved several boxes... Would love to move several more!
  13. Real men don't need large displacement bikes... You're compensating! Plugging a bike tire isn't as safe as a tire made from one piece of rubber. Buy a new tire.
  14. And yet the internet forum you choose to surf has to do with riding... hrm
  15. Legs are already too long for some bikes!
  16. That's tragic Can't they do a license plate search and narrow it by car color?
  17. That's a good write-up, Todd, on why gear is snug, TY. Find some gear that has some adjustable velcro straps & such. If you're lucky, you can find some that'll fit with the adjustments made to be large, and then when you've lost more weight, still have it fit when the adjustments are all the way tightened down, maybe?
  18. Because part of the fun & joy of motorcycling for some people is the community. Those of us who enjoy that aspect of it... we wave at each other. No one can force you to participate, though.... you ride your own ride
  19. Way better than "tacky." But I was an English Major, so I'm sticking with Word Crimes as the best so far
  20. Right there is when it's too big. As for buying new now or in 30 pounds.... It's a calculated decision. Obviously you should be wearing the properly sized gear at all times, but we all know how expensive it is. But when an accident happens, you're gonna kick yourself if you didn't buy gear because you're waiting to lose more weight.
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