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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. I wave at all other riders when I ride, and when I drive, I usually look at the driver of other Stealths or 3000gt's so I can be ready to wave if they are. I even try and wave at other motorcyclists that I pass, which is difficult Part of the reason I love riding is the camaraderie.
  2. I just had a memorial service for my stepmom's mother come up for Saturday at 4. Sunday I have my Niece's birthday... Plus rainy weather.... cancelled or delayed might be best.
  3. Josh1234


    Yep! I'll post a thread when I have time... I'm stuck at work for a few more hours today. Now if only my iOS5 download will complete before I leave...
  4. I trade. Or, more accurately, I own stock I have my nest-egg in the market, basically, and it's about 10K. I bought $1,000 worth of apple (8 shares) when it was $120 and it closed at just above $400 today I've re-bought a couple times since then, as well bought a few other stock... I had Verizon for at least a year hoping it would jump up when the iPhone came out on their network, but it didn't. I'm actually ALMOST 100% into apple, which is a VERY risky strategy... It's MUCH SAFER to diversify. You don't want to day-trade. You want to "swing trade." The difference is that you don't mind holding it for a couple days. I originally decided to buy $1,000 worth of stock instead of making a casino trip, using the logic "If I lose, I can always hold the stock until it goes back up." There's a saying in the market... You haven't lost money until you sell the stock. The first stock I bought wasn't apple, though, it was a company called Smurfit-Stone container company, who made packaging materials from recycled cardboard. I got 1920 shares for my one grand. A couple months later, they declared bankruptcy, haha. My 1K was now worth 200-300. I held onto it, and with rumours of government help (This was during all the economy BS a few years ago) it went back up and I sold my 1920 shares for about $1300. So I still made out Okay. Anyway, when it comes to Penny stocks, I doubt you can day/swing trade them... At least not easily. You're probably interested in ETF trading (Online, like e-trade, of Charles Schwab, what I have) and they only do real markets like the NYSE, NASDAQ, w/e, and penny stocks won't be listed there. You can still "day trade" or swing trade apple/amazon/whatever using it, but commission fees will eat you alive... 8.95 a trade means $17 dollars gone from the buy/sell. Remember, you'll pay commission twice, not once. I've been watching apple daily for about 3 years, and the stuff it's been doing last couple of days is hardly normal... I mean c'mon, S.J. just died and they just released a new iPhone Anyway, I'm happy to answer any Q's I can, and thanks for reading my experiences In 2-3 years, I've turned 6 grand or so into 10 grand... but I got in when apple was pretty low, that's why. My other stuff has made profit, but not enough to make it worthwhile (Not that I'm complaining, I haven't lost money anywhere!). Then again... until I hit that "sell" button... I haven't MADE any money, either.
  5. Josh1234


    Just walked into Iron Pony and got lost! Can't find the exit! It's so big! There's so much stuff! I'll have to buy my way out...
  6. Subscribed, since I"m in NE ohio, even though I don't know shit about bikes
  7. Congrats! (on both the wife and the bike! )
  8. square is legit... I think apple even supports them, and I know they're a major name, so I'd trust it.
  9. Smoooothe Good cautionary tale.
  10. Capuchin's are SMART. But I wouldn't trust 'em Go read "Lovelock" by Orson Scott Card. It's about a genetically enhanced capuchin... good read.
  11. Welcome Aboard! Yes, that's an echo of Casper
  12. I remember on the driver's exam from way back in the day there's a question about making eye contact and all that... And I don't think a driver has the legal power to change the right of way. Right of way is determined by traffic items like lights, signs, lanes, and posted information... It's not changeable by Joe Schmoe "I'm sorry, your honor, the light was red, but she waved me on anyway!"
  13. If this ride finalizes, I'd rather do the beginner-intermediate pace than either of hte inyaazz rides.... He's pretty much stated it'll be hardcore speed/riding... I need to practice basics first and enjoy before I do anything hardcore. So if this materializes, I'm in.
  14. Beat me to it I was just coming here to post
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