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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Chilly, but dry I'll be in BACK, btw, as I still need to gain a LOT more familiarity with my bike before I try and real curves.
  2. fun times! You can build a reactor at home... Just kinda hard to get fuel for it
  3. I think I still have the "Low" seat for my old Blast... If you pick up a blast and need the lower seat, let me know... I rode it with the low for a while until I got a standard height, but when I put on the low to ride it out west for the guy that wanted to swap, I was amazed at what a difference it is. No, really... 2" can make a big difference <commence jokes>
  4. Considered a Blast? I sound like a broken record, but they ARE great starter bikes, and great for shorter riders.
  5. Good, maybe I can get to Armith's early and change my oil first... he still has my oil & filter I bought last time
  6. Right! Which is why watching a cold start doesn't matter. But wobbly wheels, non-functional brakes, 0 traction, and violations that may get the seller pulled over & arrested and the bike impounded DO.
  7. I'd feel a lot better about buying a bike I'd never seen if I know it runs well enough that the seller will get on it and ride it for 100 miles to see me. When I was shopping for my first bike, I had a guy delivering a Buell Blast to me.... It died on the highway ON THE WAY TO MY HOUSE. I sure am glad he didn't trailer it, or whatever was wrong with it would've been MY problem.
  8. I've bought three cars on eBay and had no problems with them.
  9. I'm an old sea dog, what can I say
  10. Or house keys, or other stuff? I like to keep my wallet ON ME when I ride, and not under the seat or anything, just in case, y'know? I wasn't comfortable with it in my back pocket, because sometimes as I move on the seat, it'd work it's way out of my back pocket. So I'd put it in the front pocket of my jeans (just got new riding pants though) and that wasn't particularly comfortable against my hip. Just wondering what others do in case there's a common sense thing I missed. I also have my normal house keys separate from my MC key, since I don't want crap jangling around while I ride. Ninja edit: I wear a tight leather jacket, not a roomy textile, so jacket pocket won't really work for wallet, btw.
  11. As Pauly said, "Jeans are not proper street gear." Thus, the encouragement to pick up a pair of riding pants! Nothing fancy, just a pair of Joe Rocket Ballistic 7.0 riding pants... Rain proof, removable liner, knee pads, hip pads, zip all the way up (or down) the leg for airflow/easy removable/stripteases for GF a la chip'n'dales. $150 at Iron Pony. Pretty basic, but should be warm enough to extend my riding season, and, more importantly, SAFER THAN JEANS. Pauly, thanks for the encouragement & suggestion. Ha, you ever reccomended IPM, which is where I got them. So, the salesman called these particular pants "Fudge pants" when I started with XL which where huge on me. I asked if they were Overpants, and he said they were a Fudge pant, meaning you can wear them either way. Anyone confirm/deny? I went down a size to Large so I can wear them on their own, since most of my riding is in the summer, and the LAST thing I want is another layer.
  12. The power of the :postwhore:is strong within you, since you'll have over 8,000 posts by the time most read this, but # of threads started matters too! Besides, I like attention and the original thread is old!
  13. Apple went up 13.57 today to close at $422 Whee!
  14. Nice! I was there a couple days ago! Still have to make a thread about what I got!
  15. I have a 4, so I'm in contract until this coming june... then, hopefully.... Hello iPhone 5!
  16. Did it work for you? Because it doesn't work for me.
  17. Lol I STILL want to ride a 250... I'm gona have to buy the GF one so *I* can ride it BTW, Snot, if you're looking for a bike w/ a low seat height, check out a Buell Blast to learn on... short women have NO PROBLEM flat footing the ground on them with the lower seat.
  18. My update was a headache, but i've got things straightened out now. The new notifications stuff will be great, but I hate how some new apps, like newsstand, can't be put into a "folder" with other apps Screws up my app icon arrangement!
  19. SSD's have several advantages, but I'm not sure that they outweigh the "price" and "capacity" factors. As for the data, there's lots of stuff you can do to try and recover it... I used to buy bad laptops off ebay, and I used to LOOOOVE going through all the "bad" HD's lookin' for porn. Found quite a bit, too. Don't use the drive AT ALL anymore until you've done research... if it's a mechanical failure, there are only xxx amount of spins left for that drive before it's completely unreadable or further degrades. so research, clone, recover.
  20. Welcome aboard! I learned on an '05 Blast that I sold like a month ago to move up BadWeatherBikers is another good forum for info on 'em.... They're much maligned, but fun as hell to ride
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