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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. double-din means it's twice as high as a single-din... it's the size of the unit. The real slim ones are single-din, and larger ones are double-din. Here's a pic of a double-din head unit that I happen to have handy:
  2. Hrm. A Youngstown snow shovel is very different than a Cleveland Steamer
  3. I MIGHT have the stock head unit from a 95 dodge stealth lying around. I'm out of town right now, so consider this a subscription to help me remember to look this weekend for it. It's double-din, btw.
  4. OOOOOooohhhh... take your time and see if there's a way for you to edit me so that I actually look like i know what I'm doing
  5. Nice colors and sound... You've gotta tie down whatever strap was flapping in the wind
  6. I'm riding again tomorrow... Down to Armith's for an oil change LOL my GF hopped on me to warm me up when we got home, and 30 minutes later when we were done, she just turned out the lights and told me to take a nap... She knew I was exhausted, LOL.... That's a good woman that'll warm you up (that way!) and then let you take a nap while she makes dinner
  7. All I really did last year to winterize my bike is fill up the gas tank & put in some fuel stabilizer. Then I take the battery inside and leave it hooked up to the tender. That enough? Last year I had to turn off petcock and run the bike until it was out of gas, but I don't even think YZF600Rs have the same set up... Someone educate a newb if I'm forgetting something.
  8. OOoh, you saw a Viper on the way home? MMMmmm... dream car I'm home... Little chilly, but safe & sound. Great ride for me... Gained familiarity and practice with the bike, as well as reinforcing healthy respect for it. Also, I enjoyed sitting down & eating & talking with everyone at S.T.D. after the ride. Okay, where's the video? C'mon, what's taking so long! LOL, I think I'm in all of 2 or 3 clips, and probably trying to do a ricer flyby for one of them Please edit out my Squidliness
  9. Really sounds like you want the Ninja, but a Blast IS lower... Twice the torque, too
  10. Sort of. Leaving now... 271S to 8S to 77S is my route. See you guys soon!
  11. Premature ejaculation should NOT stop you from riding... Don't give in! Hope it's nothing serious
  12. how many ppl are we expecting? Also, I plan to be the slowest rider in the group, FWIW.
  13. Drat Okay, I think it's about an hour from me, so I'll leave at 10 to aim to get there at 11.
  14. Ooh, here's a nice comparison: http://www.ninjette.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20987
  15. You sure it's not Candy Plasma Blue, instead? Blue is my favorite color, as anyone who has seen my bike/gear can attest to yeah, anything '08 and newer usually goes for a good price... 2700 sounds good for 3K miles with just a couple scuffs.
  16. Call Kevin and ask him if he'll change my oil with me in the morning... If he will, I'll ride down early for that, otherwise.... See you at DQ, provided I get up on time
  17. I follow(ed) bikes for sale pretty closely, and if it's in the color you want and it's not beat to sh*t with high miles or fall damage, then yes, 2700 for an '09 Ninja 250 is a decent deal.
  18. I was hoping he'd be able to help me finish the oil change we started If he can't, there's no reason for me to ride to YT first... It'd make more sense for me to leave later and just meet at the larger stop, at the DQ.
  19. That's the plan so far. Let's see what time I finish work today. Armith, if you read this thread, PM me about meeting early to finish that oil change if it's possible. Or just get an unlimited TXT plan so I can TXT you
  20. After this? So before it, you were OK with it? And these 2 people are changing your mind about all other gay couples? Actually some people are both a little extra. Yes, honestly. They have both sexual organs. It's often (or has been, historically) the doctor's decision which organs stay. In cases such as this, the doctor can choose the sex of the person they just delivered... but never the gender. That, if the doctor chose incorrectly, needs to be helped along with hormones. But my point is this: Sometimes, although you're born with what you're born with, it's NOT enough to determine male/female gender. Sometimes the body doesn't match the soul.
  21. So the TWO of you make 75K/year, not each. And you both work your asses off to do it. Thank you, my vision of the status quo (And how much truck drivers get paid) has been restored
  22. If I win, I'm donating to DucRX. He needs more schwag in the shop
  23. You run 6770 miles a week? each? Together? If you drive 5 days a week, that's 1354 miles a day. Driving at 60 mph, that's 22.5 hours of driving. So THAT can't be right. Even if that's a total for both of you, does that mean you each drive for 11 hours a day? Or you drive 80 instead of 60? Or you drive 7 days a week instead of 5? Sorry, I'm just having a little trouble making the #'s add up... where am I going wrong? I didn't think truck drivers made so much, that's why I ran the numbers you gave me. Thanks, -- josh
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