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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. roast beef and cheddar w/ curlies FTMFW!
  2. Our military had the stealth bomber for 20 years before it was declassified Makes ya wonder what's new and hi-tech and experimental NOW.
  3. Nice to see that sometimes ppl get what they deserve.
  4. Shouldn't make fun of shit like that... or you'll be the one with "hurt feelings" when the kid that got picked on grows up to kill your daughter as a terrorist, or turns into the unabomber or something.
  5. Just wondering if anyone has ever had a cheapie MC stand bend or break and dump the bike.
  6. Okay, so you think rear stand + something to get the front off the floor will be good enough?
  7. As long as it'll work, I'll take it! I need to find a front stand, too, so I can put 'er up over the winter. Harbor freight says their rear stand ($25) can be converted to a front with forklift adapters, but the search for that doesn't turn anything up, ha
  8. eeeeehhhh... All the "reputable" places took like 2 weeks to report on Occupy Wallstreet... and half of 'em buried it as back page news. Even if a news site is shitty, they still might carry a true/good story... Like the fact that a presidential candidate was allotted 30 seconds of time during a 90 minute debate. I don't care how crappy a news outlet is that reports that story, it's outrageous.
  9. Just thought I'd see if anyone had an extra set they wanted to sell cheap before I buy a set retail. Cheap is what counts.
  10. I went to State 8 to pick up my windshield bolts (byebye spikes!) and I decided to pick up a chain brush, some degreaser, and some lube for the winterization prep. The guy told me that even though it (the lube) said clear, it tended to dry white. He said get off-road chain lube and use it on my street bike, and it'd dry clear. They were the same price, so it wasn't an upsell... Can anyone confirm/deny?
  11. Josh1234


    Anyone else open the door to a public bathroom with their foot, though?
  12. head unit behind a speaker cover?
  13. The company I work for handles the POS systems in McDonald's'.... I eat WAY too much of it Almost every service call, the manager feeds us when we're done.
  14. LOL, too bad I'm not near a military base
  15. TGI Fridays, just got back Time to go to Subway on my way to Cbus tonight
  16. It's the last "Binary Day" for 90 years. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/10/111111-binary-day-dates_n_1087122.html Next binary day will be 1/1/00... which is Jan 1st, 2100.
  17. Enjoyed my BOGO at TGI Fridays today But the thanks are worth far more.
  18. I'm hoping they allow Siri for iPhone 4 users.
  19. Find out what command he's at and give them a call. Don't let the "He's deployed in Iraq" line fool, you, either. If he is, then he DEFINITELY has a command, an OIC (Officer in charge) A commanding officer with a 24/7 support staff, and someone that you can call who will answer the phone and verify he is, in fact, under their command. I'm willing to bet you won't get so much as the name of a command out of the "wife."
  20. This. Like Jst2fst also quoted. man, that write-up reeeeeeeeeks of scam. The ONLY way I'd go to pick up this bike is if the title holder meets me at the bank and you pay the bank the lien so they release the title into YOUR NAME.
  21. Sounds like Subway & applebees for lunch & dinner tomorrow
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