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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. I tried quite a few of THOSE before I settled down and picked one out for the long-term The kind of riding I'll do: Around town every chance I get, and weekend rides with folks on here. I need tools for work now, so I don't think I could commute via motorcycle like I used to I DON'T want a supersport bike, and I'm leaning towards sport-touring. My first bike was a standard. Bikes I'm currently looking at, just to give you an idea: http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/2604098168.html (2004 Yamaha YZF600R for 3K) http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/2607407833.html (2005 zzr600, 3K) http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2588546769.html ('02 "R6 YZF", 2200) http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2597857192.html ('08 zzr600 with mods - I'd actually prefer stock sprockets) http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/2602735225.html And I e-mailed that guy but I'm not sure I even want a zzr-1200. It's a 2002 w/ 14K miles, the pics he e-mailed look good). But I'll be honest and admit I also e-mailed a guy with an '07 Ninja 250 for $1500 I'd be much happier about parting w/ 1500 than with 3 grand I should probably RIDE a zzr600 and find out if I like it.... The reviews I've read have basically called it very, very comfortable ergonomically for touring, but with the performance of a supersport, since it's an old zx-6r engine. I was all set to buy a kawasaki z750s in Toledo, but it turned out to be a zr750 I would've compromised on the yellow color and the lack of fairings, but being a zr750 means carburated also... and I'd rather have FI. I know ZZR's are carb'ed and not FI, but they're fully faired and newer, so I think they'll be plenty reliable. And not yellow I would go to a dealer and test-ride a zzr, but I'd feel guilty, since I doubt I'll be buying one from a dealer, due to mark-up.
  2. Thanks! I'm closer, now I just need to figure out the "DTC" acronym "the motorcycle show" refers to the big one at the IX center every February?
  3. Take some nice pictures, say three nice things about the bike in an ad, and list it for $1,000 more than you want. Won't hurt anything
  4. Why can't I seem to do it? There are plenty of bikes within my budget, but I'm naturally picky... All the really nice bikes I'd snap up ARE outside my budget... But let's face it, I'm so inexperienced, I really don't know what kind of bike will be perfect for me anyways. First, I wanted a cheap ninja 500 to get used to a faster bike, but of course I'd outgrow that too quickly. Then I went to ninja 650r as the bike I wanted, then z750s, and now I'm fixating on zzr600's. argh! And what's more, I can't talk myself into blowing my whole wad on a bike I want when there are so many perfectly good bikes for $1,000 cheaper. Like why spend $3500 on a zzr600 when I can get a YZF-600 for $2200? I have like 20 e-mail threads in my inbox, all about bikes I've inquired about for more info. And I'm SERIOUSLY considering buying something dirt cheap that I can screw around on for the fall and flip for profit in the spring. I tell you, there's one school of thought that says "invest in the bike you WANT," and there's another that says "have fun until you're sure you DO know what you want." *sigh* Not like my money is burning a hole in my pocket, but I WOULD like to make the big group ride planned for this weekend, if the weather is nice. Cold = no problem, but rain = no ride. Plus, I want to find a bike close to me, and not down in Columbus Grrrr.
  5. How often do fork seals need to be replaced? When they start to leak? How often does that occur? as in, after how many years, USUALLY.
  6. Sorry to hear that, man Gotta love family, eh?
  7. +1 for cleveland state. If you'd be coming in as a junior, check out the honors program... It's a full scholarship, but it's usually merit based... so you'd only get in if you got good grades so far.
  8. Josh1234


    Better if she were wearing rollerblades, like on the Busa though
  9. Holy cow... Someone taking it for a test ride, or what?
  10. Uh oh... Either I should know who you are, and don't, or you're mistaking me for someone else
  11. Nice bike, neighbor! I'll keep an eye out for it/you
  12. Aw, crap! I have time to go get it, but no bike! Not fair!
  13. Too late in the seasons... only bargain hunters are parting with money
  14. I saw that ad tonight... Moved right over it when I saw the price
  15. You'll be fine in I.T. once you get your degree... especially since you already have experience. P.S. The title of this thread is "IT guy here - lost my job" and your screenname is "m0rtal1ty." I find the leetness and the meaning amusing, considering the situation
  16. I'll be down that way next week... I'll stop by to see if they have any left, though I bet it'll be slim pickins
  17. Softball tournament today... + no bike
  18. check out badweatherbikers.com if you need a Buell forum. Also, buellforums.com.
  19. Sorry, I was at a softball tournament all day I'll buy 'em. I can do cash or paypal... My only opportunity for cash will be when I'm in Gahanna on Mon/Tues the 26/27th... Otherwise paypal/shipping might be our best option? That's the only time I"ll be down south. I'd be happy to give you $10 for shipping, too, for a $60 total? If SimplySix has beat me to them, that's OK
  20. And because you called me a child and told me to go play in the sand box (even though you used incorrect grammar to do so) I'll even quote the conclusion at the bottom of that page for you, just in case you have trouble reading that far:
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