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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. *sigh*. I did what you asked and ran a quick google search on whether or not HIV causes AIDS. I also watched the link you posted, hoping for something scientific, or some kind of proof. Unfortunately, it didn't list any doctors by name, and the only statistics were from the CDC listing deaths per year. I will admit I watched only the embedded vid you provided, which was part one. In return, I'd like to ask that you consider my links. The first is from NIH.gov, the national institute of health. It specifically states that HIV destroys T cells: http://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/hivaids/understanding/howhivcausesaids/Pages/cause.aspx Next, I'd like you to spend 5 minutes, the length of the vid I watched, reading this page: http://www.avert.org/hiv-causes-aids.htm That page/site goes on to briefly cover some VERY important points about how a germ causes an infection, Koch's 4 postulates (Never heard of them before, but they make sense). It also covers AZT, which you so vehemently attacked, and does so objectively. I had no idea that there was a group of people who didn't believe HIV caused AIDS. I was told it did and I've always believed it. So I listened to you, and learned something, because I had an open mind. You might learn something if you click that second link and read the page. If you don't have an open mind, however, then don't bother.
  2. Sooooo tempted to go rent a bike for a day so I can come
  3. Ah, but when I do, again, I'll have everything I need, this time Now I'm confused also, since I wanted pants for protection, too They're armored to protect in the event of a fall, right? For crash/rash protection? Or is it primarily rain gear with a bit o' padding?
  4. E-mail sent. Second dibs for the men's pants.
  5. Sire it did. Just not in HUMANS. Are you arguing for creationism, here? AIDS is hardly unheard of. HIV is also quite well-known. You're saying the drug industries are causing these diseases? I'd love to see some proof, conducted in a scientifically sound study, unbiased either way that supports your statement. "they" who? No one said AIDS is a virus in this thread, yet you're arguing about it. AIDS = Aquired immune deficiency syndrome. Syndrome. Syndrome. Not virus. Want a virus? Look at HIV, instead: Human Immunodifficiency Virus. There's your virus. A virus that causes a syndrome. What exactly are you arguing about? that aids isn't a virus? no one here is saying it is. By the way, The holocaust happened, man HAS landed on the moon, and the world really isn't flat.
  6. +rep added. Helmet fits great! I left $10 in an envelope for you with the 2 guys who answered the door Thanks again!
  7. That's something you'll only ever do once
  8. The question is... Do you think the punk will learn from this that HE'S the pussy, or do you think he'll go on being a dumbassed punk?
  9. A review I read actually said the pegs on a z750s weren't that great for taller riders, but after a Buell Blast it can't be worse
  10. Quite possibly a Kawasaki z750s. I shouldn't have let you guys talk me into posting it for $2,000 Still, though, I can't really complain, considering the profit I made after riding it for a year 66% profit margin GF is trying to talk me into being a salesman now, haha.
  11. Is the title clean & in hand? No issues with the bike whatsover, correct? Turn key, ride away?
  12. Welp, the long ad said $2500, the short one said $2,000, and my buyer saw both. Asked me why I had two ads w/ different prices, and I explained that I wanted a long, thorough ad with my asking price, but some friends talked me into posting a shorter ad with my bottom line. He said "OK," and got a ride here to test ride it, and took it home w/ him for 2K. I maybe could've gotten another $250 if I'd posted it at 2500 in both, after haggling, but this way it's like I did my haggling online. Drat... I should've asked him which ad he liked better....... Would've settled the debate In any event, thank you for your opinions & advice, everyone, the bike was sold successfully, so it's a win
  13. If he'll come down to 3 (from 3500) I think I will, pending a test ride. Then again, I don't know if he'll come down, since he said 3500 firm. Dumb question, since he's a member with a lot of posts, but can anyone vouch for the seller? Met him in person, nice guy, takes care of his bikes, and all that? I feel a little better since he's a member here, but others telling me he's a good guy will lend it more credibility.
  14. Good point. Plus, I was trained that if you pull a gun on someone, it should be because you plan to shoot them. Then again, whether or not a gun should be used as a deterrent is another matter.
  15. Sold Buella, my Blast & starter bike. Made a decent profit, and now have a bigger fund for a newer follow-up bike now that I know how to ride. Boo hoo, I'm bikeless
  16. Emphasis added. That statement means it's not a frivolous lawsuit, to me.
  17. OK, now throw in opinions on a Kawasaki z750s There's one for sale on the board
  18. You are the man But I'll toss a ten-spot your way if it fits... If it doesn't, well, there's a thread about charity gear going around, so if we have to, we can always contribute But I'm hoping it will.
  19. I might be interested. I'll know more tomorrow morning when someone comes to look at my Buell and hopefully buys it.
  20. I have to drive to Strasburg, OH on this Thursday for a service call... I think New philly is 15 minutes south? I'll happily detour south to pick it up if it fits. Not sure if you can sneak away from work for 5-10 minutes, but maybe I can TXT when I get close? $8 is too good to pass up.
  21. Thanks! I always wonder if those "I need to sell it before I lose it in the divorce" ads are legit or not I have a guy coming to look at my bike tomorrow, so I'll hold off on making any moves until then. *Crosses fingers*
  22. Thanks guys! As for the Bad's link... I've been e-mailing him... The salvage title scares me, especially since he gave me a B.S. story about it having it because it was Repo'd. I spent 5 minutes on google to learn a repo title is issued and when paid off, a normal title is then re-issued I have someone coming to look at the blast, though, tomorrow morning, so here's hoping............. The game will change if my $800 turns into 2800.
  23. Argh!!!!! Want! It's even blue! I like blue If someone buys my Blast, I'm all over this. (Even if they only buy it for 2K instead of 2500).
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