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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. well how much have you invested/made from your MLM scheme/scam/"business?"
  2. Don't do any of the above... EDUCATE him on riding safely. Now, if he refuses to listen, or acts like an ass... THEN tear him a new one.
  3. I dabbled and bought apple at $120 a couple of years ago. $1,000 bought me 8 shares. It closed at $353 today (Down $20)
  4. Holy shit, man. I'm glad you're all right! Thanks for posting the video and story... Stuff like this is good for newer riders like myself to see... Encourages us to wear ATGATT, seriously.
  5. Don't just chuck him out and change the locks... that'll make an enemy. Sit him down and say that things haven't worked out and his behavior is unacceptable... and that he has 30 days, or THEN you will kick him out. If he's been warned he'll have no one to blame but himself, and hopefully he'll just find a place before then and be gone.
  6. Josh1234

    Funny Shit

    a 78 yr old and a 9 yr old. ouch.
  7. It's just a starting price You can always offer less... and really, if you were listing your bike on CL, wouldn't you list the starting price as higher than you thought you'd get, so that when they counter offer, you could meet in the middle, thereby getting your (true) desired price?
  8. rained a bit earlier. I'm "cooking" Stouffer's Lasagna for dinner for teh GF and I, when she gets home from babysitting... Oh, and I'm downloading Super 8 to watch... and I have to watch thursday's "Suits" from USA... it's a slow night. I was playing my Battletech game
  9. Nice! I was wondering about removing it, but I didn't because I thought I might need a replacement gasket to put it back on, and I didn't have one handy... But I'm not sure if I will or if it just bolts on. It'd be MUCH easier to sand/paint if I could pull the exhaust though.
  10. Pilot was a 75 year old woman http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20110804/news/708049895/
  11. My bike isn't exactly a show-queen, but I decided the rusty header was a little much. Here's the "before" pic: Yes, it's a single cylinder, so no, it doesn't have a real manifold, and yes, it only has one exhaust header I screwed up and bought silver, instead of black paint, but since the frame is silver, and I think the exhaust header used to be silver anyway, I just went with it. I'm revisiting this process to do the rest of the muffler soon anyway, so silver is better than rust, and I can always make it black later if I want. Lots of wire-brushing and sand papering later, I'm ready to paint: I placed the bike in my high-tech paintbooth and masked off the area around the header; Translation: on the front walk, I used some painters tape and newspaper: It didn't come out perfect, but well enough... and DEFINITELY better than rust The bike from the side: 3/4 shot Yes, I desperately need to re-do my whole muffler in black! Big improvement in appearance for $9 in paint and some elbow grease.
  12. I'm a beginner and I know it... There's no way I want someone riding next to me, sharing my lane, or even a few feet in front or behind I'd happily be in the beginner group, not hot dogging, just bringing up the rear and watching & enjoying... And I'd feel 10x better about it all knowing there was someone with a clue behind me, being the mama duck I've done big car caravans when I helped to run my car club's national gathering a few times, and even with 50% of the cars having a walkie talkie, it's STILL impossible to keep large groups together. Might be easier with bikes, though... but EVERYONE has to be on the same page or it gets FUBAR'd.
  13. We were all scared shitless on the afternoon of 9/11. When that happens, training takes over... So the count just sounded boring, like it was a training exercise. They weren't counting over the radio to the pilot, but there was a count in CiC. Just a steady drone. Didn't take long for the dude following radar tracks to report an aspect/heading change for the air contact
  14. On 9/11 my ship (I was in the Navy for 6 yrs) was sent out to be a radar picket ship off the coast of Washington D.C. I happened to be in C.I.C. (Command & Information Central) when we told some poor pilot he had 30 seconds to change course or we'd shoot him down. Poor guy probably crapped his pants when we identified ourselves as a Guided Missile Destroyer
  15. Sometimes I get on and feel like I'm "forgetting" something... it's a seatbelt, haha
  16. Josh1234

    Favorite show?

    1. The Big Bang Theory 2. Pawn Stars 3. NCIS
  17. That computer isn't slow, either... It made the Kessel run in less than....
  18. I'm a firm believer in either/both the food chain being broken in one too many places, or the end of civilization happening. Don't know if it'll be in my lifetime or shortly thereafter, but we're screwing up our planet too badly to not have a serious impact.
  19. #10! I'm no stranger to forums, as I spent plenty of time on a car boards back in the day... and I can postwhore with the best of 'em! It's a Madcat/Timberwolf, but close enough... I needed a space filler and Battletech is a big part of my life. Um... should I be vaguely embarrassed to admit that? Naw, it's a thread about weaponry
  20. LOL, Pwn3d. Not a bad idea for a thread, though... "If your bike were a gun, which one would it be?"
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