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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. That's me! BTW, where's the GoPro footage!? We can play it at 2x speed to make it look like we were going fast Thanks again for taking one for the team and riding slowly enough that I could keep up NinjaDoc: If you or your friend is interested in a Buell Blast, let me know... I've used it for 1 yr as my starter bike and loved it, it's just time to move up to something with a little more speed on the highway. Youngstown isn't too far, if you want to meet in the middle so your friend can test-ride, let me know. OK, done salesmaning Regarding your original post and question... A 2006 for 2K is a decent deal if the plastics are in good shape and the title is original. 08 was the first year for the newer body style, as well as a few mechanical changes that made the bike a bit more friendly... Power range and such. Is your friend big, or will a 250 actually get up and go with him/her on it? The 07-and-earlier need higher RPM's to get more torque/power. A lot of the 08 and newer bikes KNOW they're more desired, and asking price is usually much higher to reflect this. If your friend doesn't care about appearances and just wants a bike to learn on, then 07 and earlier is fine mechanically & cosmetically and can be a great learner bike, but he WILL outgrow it and need to buy another bike. Don't spend more than 2K on a pre-08 250... Simply because if you don't care about the newer body style and minor mechanical changes, then you can (even now, and often) find them cheaper than $2,000. Frequently 1200, 1500, & 1800 for the older body style.
  2. Ahem! Have you (or has she) considered a Buell Blast instead of a Ninja 250? More torque, no choke, no valve or chain maintenance! And the seat is just as low or lower. I might know a guy who has one for sale. p.s... this is NOT the place to debate a Blast vs 250 argument, just making sure that CarWhore and his GF are aware of their options for starter bikes
  3. I'm gonna show up one of these weeks... not that I'd be able to keep up on the ride afterwards Every Wednesday night?
  4. Here's what happened to me once: I listed a Hackintosh (A Dell mini 9 netbook hack to run OS X operating system). It sold, and the guy paid me. Then, before I could get it in the mail, E-Bay cancelled the auction, even though it was paid for! They e-mailed my buyer and I admitted I hadn't shipped it yet, so I refunded him. Since I doubt your seller is so friendly... PayPal is probably the only resource to get your money back. Hopefully it shouldn't take long, unless, of course, his accounts dry up If the item was cancelled (by seller OR by ebay) there should be an e-mail. Maybe caught in spam filter?
  5. We'll see how long the rain holds off tomorrow... I have something in mind.
  6. That's a shame, we went on a nice ride after I got the tag Tagged! OK, newest tag forthcoming.
  7. OK My Blast could've outran that guy! that's INSANE though, about the rioting... I hope things NEVER get to that point in the states.
  8. I'm a beginning rider w/ a slow bike and no skills, but I'm game if you go slow I've never done a group ride, LOL. I think I'm 41 minutes north of the Homestead that is my target... Straight north on 271. Where's a good spot to meet? Edit: Want to just meet at the Tag point?
  9. Good enough for me Headed out to Hale farm here, shortly
  10. so there are now two different tags posted.... I thought it was one-at-a-time... the person (or group) getting the last tag posts the next tag... if you each post one, then we'd have 4 separate tags going. explain?
  11. Thanks for the support That's exactly what I bought it for... Now I'm just looking for more fun, that's all Can we say "gateway drug?" How much wrenching does it need, and what are you asking? Never hurts to ask
  12. mustnotoffertrademustnotoffertrademustnotoffertrade j/k
  13. I'm a little embarassed to say what my budget is I need to sell my current bike and put that towards a new bike, and, um... find another job But hey, c'mon... I'm not gonna let that stop me from lookin' & dreamin'!
  14. probably takes a LONG time to load up 20 bikes/ATVs. Load 'em into a semi? Onto trailer(s)?
  15. +1 for iPhone man... There's a reason so many ppl like/use them... They work, and they're simple, and they're powerful, and they have a TON of apps to DL. That said, I'm done fanboy-ing now
  16. THanks for the Advice, RedKow... I'd really love a 650, but it's not in the budget right now. If I DO end up with a Ninja 500, I'll be positive to test-ride before hand, and I'll make sure that base-model civic will keep me happy for a while if I get it... I'm basically looking for the next step up in terms of horsepower, and not a permanent long-term bike... Unless I decide I'm happy with my "civic" Then again, since I'll end up buying a used bike, odds are I'll take whatever comes along and is a decent deal, so that very well might be a Ninja 650, ZX636, ZX600, or various other 600 & up sportbikes Jporter: I know one of you dailies is a 250, right? Ever been to the track? 'Cause I'm a new rider with ~1 yr experience, and I've never been to the track I'm also 6'2 and 220 pounds! I needed the torque so I didn't look like a huge beast of a man riding a kid's toy I'm sure i'd get my ass kicked on the track or in the twisties, but I used my Blast to commute, and I use it around town... I'll happily go stoplight-to-stoplight with a 250... especially if the rider is as big as me And J_Copeland, thanks for the input! It's nice to hear from someone who has owned both, and at the same time. Next time I go to a meet or a ride, I'm certainly willing to let people try my bike, and goodness knows I'd love to test ride a 250 one day for comparison... Never been on one
  17. welcome back to the road Don't overdo it!
  18. Ok so was Bad324 one of the four in the picture at the last tag? Or did he hijack it completely? If Speedytriple posts tomorrow, and WAS in the original four, which tag is authentic? We need a 48-hour rule between the old/new tag, or you lose rights, or something.
  19. Like I said... I'm listing it higher than I'd sell it for, and I'm not really expecting to sell it on here As for those bashing it, I'm not saying it's better than a ninja 250, only that it's better in some areas. It certainly costs less and has twice the torque, and no one can argue with those two, at least. I mean.. Can you blame me for wanting to sell it and move up to a bigger bike?
  20. I might be willing to come down a LOT What year is your EX500? I've been seriously thinking about getting one.
  21. Yeah I got into this thread at about 11:00, earlier
  22. I listed a car for sale on CL once... My 2000 saturn. I had a scammer contact me and send me a fake cashier's check for the money... I still have it. The check, not the car I wrote them back and told them I never received it, please send another It was postmarked from some central american country
  23. Yep! I pulled 34 from the Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buell_Blast There's EXTENSIVE comparisons between the Blast and a Ninja 250/Ninja 500 in various articles on the web. The 250 can't keep up with the blast due to the Blast having much better Torque, I'm told. A 500 could probably out-perform the Blast, based on what I've read, with a skilled rider. The real advantages to a Blast are that you won't cry when/if a new rider drops it, because the plastics are made of Surlyn, the stuff on the outside of a gold ball. Also, no lubing/adjusting chain, adjusting lifters, or having to mess with a choke. The first two aren't a big deal, probably, since you're an old hand at motorcycles, but any new rider (and lots of vets, I bet) hates to have to use a choke... one more thing to do Oh, and if she's short, she'll have no problem flat-footing the ground. The blast is plenty comfy in an upright position, but better than a rebel 250 since it can actually keep up on the highway [/salesman] Parma, eh? I'll be happy to ride over if you want to take a look at it and/or test ride. (No pressure to buy, I just want an excuse to ride!) How much riding has your wife done? Blasts are Single-cylinder, so there's a decent amount of vibration at idle, but it smoothes out right away at higher RPMs. Keep in mind they have no tachometer, either Other than the vibration, the only thing I'd warn a new rider about is that the clutch has a very small friction zone. That + thumper means you stall once or twice when learning, but I've completely adjusted and I'm sure any other rider will also
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