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Posts posted by rubbersidedown

  1. .. and it turned out not so bad.

    Turns out, he didn't like my fender eliminator. On the VFR, it does get kind of buried down between the twin high exhausts.

    What brand fender eliminater do you have?

    Wondering if I should expect the same to happen to me. (Not that I'm willing to go back to that stock monstrousity)

  2. No,I'm on topic...it is the greed,incompetence and unaccountability of the wealthy that got us in this mess,not public workers pay or benifits.Now they're using the ages old stratagy of divide and conquer,and you're falling for it.

    Personally,I would like to see all working people making good wages.I don't care if the wealthy make lots of money,but they must be competent and accountable.The trans-ocean CEO was neither.

    "Candyman tell "em the truth!"

  3. orly? well, if there are any stragglers, you can try your luck.

    if you're coming from cincy, i think there was a racer from out your way that was wanting to see if anyone wanted to car pool. want me to get him in touch with you?

    Yes I am coming from northern Cincy. Have your friend send me a PM.

    I'm new to OR and the only person that I have met is Redkow. Do we have a plan for the OR's to meet up?

  4. Back on subject of SB5…

    Before I could support SB5 or vote yes if it comes to a referendum vote I will need answers to some high level questions.

    Who started the bill and why?

    How will it affect me and my finances?

    What is the end game?

    Who started the bill and why…

    What I have found is that the idea for the bill came from the organization Americans for Prosperity (who wouldn’t be on board of an organization with a great name like that). AFP composed primarily of high net worth individuals (code for rich as hell). The figure heads of AFP are the Koch brothers; their net worth is $33 billion, the b is not a typo. The primary focus of AFP is union busting, private or public. This was personified in Wisconsin when the unions offered concessions and they were rejected by Governor Scott Walker.

    Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a group fronting special interests started by oil billionaire David Koch and Richard Fink (a member of the board of directors of Koch Industries). AFP has been accused of funding astroturf operations but also has been fueling the "Tea Party" efforts. [1] AFP's messages are in sync with those of other groups funded by the Koch Family Foundations and the Koch's other special interest groups that work against progressive or Democratic initiatives and protections for workers and the environment. Accordingly, AFP opposes labor unions, health care reform, stimulus spending, and cap-and-trade legislation, which is aimed at making industries pay for the air pollution that they create. AFP was also involved in the attacks on Obama’s "green jobs" czar, Van Jones, and has crusaded against international climate talks. According to an article in the August 30, 2010 issue of The New Yorker, the Kochs are known for "creating slippery organizations with generic-sounding names," that "make it difficult to ascertain the extent of their influence in Washington." AFP's budget surged from $7 million in 2007 to $40 million in 2010, an election year. [2][3]

    Source- http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Americans_for_Prosperity

    Americans for Prosperity benefit from union busting because with no unions trick down is replace with an upward flow of cash, redistribution of wealth (code word GREED). Again, I’m all for a CEO or entrepreneur being compensated for their hard work and ingenuity, I just don’t go for it being on the backs and abuse of the middle class, white or blue.

    How will it affect me and my finances…

    I have not heard any fact based reports that this will actually save money. All I have heard is “unsubstantiated savings”. I need more than Kasich telling me that it is going to save me money. Does anyone know of such a report???

    If this is going to lay the ground work for merit based pay there arguably be no cost savings. The better employees will get more pay the bad will get less and the pot will stay the same size. Not to mention there is no structure for the reviews, either the forms or periodicity. That will have to be set up, who’s picking up that consulting bill? Current supervisors are not familiar with conducting these periodic review or managing said payroll budget. With the union format this has been set. Who is paying for the education here?

    I don’t see the savings.

    What is the end game…

    Did you notice that this bill is supported by the Republican party across the board? Why is it so strongly supported by the GOP?

    Here it is…

    Unions both private and public make huge contributions to the DNC as the private sectors make huge contributions to the GOP. (No unions = no union dues = no DNC contributions) With the unions gone so is a large source of income for the DNC’s. This cuts of the enemy at the knees and reduces the ability to stand strong in the political arena. Now some of our Republican riders will think that this is great, but think of this…a political arena with only one party is a DICTATORSHIP!!! Maybe not in the truest since but in spirit since there would effectively only be one choice.

    I believe in balance. I chose to piss in the “Kool-Aid” and drink a cold beer of enlightenment! Who’s with me? I’m buying the first round!:shots:

  5. What kind of medical professional are you?

    So if you contribute 12% to OPERS instead of 10% (given that you don't pay into social security) and your employers contribution drops from 14% to an even 12% that is going to break you?

    If there anybody on this board in the private sector that contributes 10% of their pay into retirement and gets matched 14%?

    This is not meant as a cut on anyone but just a thought…

    Why is it that we are so quick to attack the compensation of other middle class workers? Is it because we are familiar with our pay scales and therefore we have strong opinions on what we feel that they should get paid? Or is this the Kool-Aid given to us from the powers-that-be?

    I think that it is the Kool-Aid. A common “Art of War” technique is to weaken your adversaries by pitting them against themselves. If we are so busy fighting amongst ourselves, whether it be white collar vs blue collar, private vs public, or anything else we cannot see or fight against the real waste fraud and abuse.

    Has anyone seen http://www.usatoday.com/money/companies/management/2011-03-31-ceo-pay-2010.htm? (CEO pay jumped 27% while we struggle to pay the bills) Is anyone aware that a CEO in the United States earns on average 50% more than a CEO in Europe for a comparable size and valued company? Hey, I have no problem with people being rewarded for their hard work and level of education or even with receiving bonuses but let’s recognize that there is a limit for fair compensation for these individuals. When there bonuses exceed their base pay or come when the company is failing there is a HUGE problem (AIG, Leman Bros. Bank of America, Chevrolet, Chrysler, etc).

    But we are told that the problem is the unions? Leaves me scratching my head. :confused:

    • Upvote 1
  6. Shame on the spin doctors

    Shame on Governors Walker and Kasich

    Shame on the politicians and

    Shame on us.


    We have allowed the powers that be to paint our public sector employees in a bad light and we drank the Kool-Aid! Police Officers, Firemen, Teachers, Corrections Officers and others are NOT the enemy. They are not bad people and they are not pawn to serve as feathers in someone’s cost saving cap. We’re too busy bickering amongst ourselves to see the truth.


    Patriots because many have served in the military to fight for and defend our great nation. Heroes because they sacrifice much for the betterment of our society with so little reward. Sure we can come up with stories about this guy or the other but those are the 1%ers. Don’t let that sway your view or the other 99% like Ben’s brother or the ones posting here. My hat goes off to the firefighters, policemen and teachers here and everywhere.

    Policemen never know what will happen at a routine traffic stop. They could end up getting shot at any time. Firefighter attack fire and hazardous spills on a daily basis Scooter pasted about a friend being beaten and sent to the hospital and there is no way I would want to deal with 25 adolescents for 8 hours a day!

    There are many good comments both for and against this bill and a wonderful debate but what we fail to discuss does the end justify the means? Do we really what to crush our heroes under a political thumb to save a few dollars in tax money? I read many post that say things like “I wouldn’t want your job” or “I’m not saying they’re overpaid”, well let’s call that to the front line. Would you support them with your vote or your pocketbook? If not it is empty rhetoric. I will and have support them with both. Police Fire and school levies in my district receive a HELL YES! on my ballot. You get what you pay for 90% of the time. There is a reason that I picked to live where I do. As like most of you I considered the quality of the school district and the crime…Hmmm.

    Have we really become that Chinatized? Do we always want more, more, more for less, less, less? There is a breaking point for this lifestyle and we need to consider that. (Have we thought about how this will increase short term costs, quality of service and whether these employees are under or overpaid?)

    What we need to do is look behind the curtain of SB5…I’ll post on that later.

    BTW - I’m a salaried corporate employee.

    • Upvote 2
  7. We need to start the cutting at the bloated top.Kasic would be a good place to start...how much did we spend on his porkbarrel home security upgrades?If it's over a penny,it's too much,we already have a governors mansion...use it or go back to legal thiefing on wallstreet.

    Good point, I think mose people are unaware of the $300,000 we spent on Kasic's private residence since he refused to live in the Govenor's Mansion.

  8. Supposedly the discount has expired. In reality it has not!!!

    Signed up and hoping for some nice weather.

    So far we have the following people confirmed:




    mykill (Novice)

    standout (Novice)

    grapesmuggler27 (Novice)

    TRMN8TR (Race School)

    2wheeler (Intermediate)

    ohdaho (Novice - first track day)


    rubbersidedown (Novice)

    AfroCBR - novice


    SJC 100rr - Advance

    natedogg624- Advance

    Isaac's Papa

    hutch - will wait til it's closer - (Novice or Intermediate)

    rslocum - a firm maybe (novice)

    redkow - let me see what the weather's like in April. (Intermediate or Advance)

  9. Adding myself to the pending list!




    mykill (Novice)

    madcat (novice?)

    2wheeler (intermediate)

    JCMathis (Intermediate)

    grapesmuggler27 (Novice)


    hutch - pretty much counted in

    ducati guy - probably in, wants to go fast

    standout - waiting to see how april goes

    tyler524 - needs gauntlet gloves

    redkow97 - if he doesn't do wera race school in grattan

    jarvis - wishy washy lol

    r1crusher - has a fancy track bike, has no more excuses, but still won't commit

    cbrbrent - I'm most likely in

    rubbersidedown - Novice

  10. LOVE this, RedKow. Here's why:

    ....And if a $15 discount is the final encouragement they need to get out there, awesome. I'm happy to offer it. I consider that "counter-sexism."

    If you can't beat them...join them!

    I think I'll be changing my name to Martha and collecting a $15 discount.:D

    Your lucky Chris, you've got a transgender name already. (What track are we meeting at?)

  11. Here is another option for anyone looking for a suit and bang for your buck.

    I just bought the Cortech Latigo 1 piece. It has all you need for track day suit minus a full back protection (it has one but not for intermediate and up riding). Perforated, lined, double and triple stitched, PUCKS INCLUDED, etc. It seems comparable to $900 suits for much less. I got mine from sporttour.com who beat everyone else's price for this suit.

  12. I used to work for a prduction facility that used to suffer on SB Sunday. Many of the workers would call off or use a sick day. (I could only imagine how bad it would be if Cincinnati was in the SB) The call offs would force shutting down many of the lines. I always wondered why management was so blind??? Why didn't they expect 10% of the employees not to be present? Planning ahead has virtues...on both sides!

  13. 36 hours to go!

    Any one in Cincy that is looking for a laid back Steeler friendly place to watch the game is invited to join me at Campioni's Pizzaria and bar in Mason. We will have a Steeler contingient in our gear!

  14. I've ridden Putnam after a night of hard rain. Enough rain to wash off any stray fluids. The morning was clear so we rode even though the track was still wet. Traction was BAD and unpridictable, like ridding on tar strips. I suffered a lot of ass pucker. It started to sprinkle just before my last session and I sat it out. I will not ride Putnam again if it is wet.

    I've talked to others in the area that are familiar the track and they Putnam in the rain is SHIT.

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