Anyone use a sling box? I have been contemplating the idea of getting one so I can mooch off my parents dish service. Its like $80 for the minimum digital cable package with Time Warner and a slingbox is a one time investment of $150. If it works well its a no brainer to me, but I am curious who has used them and what kind of success they have with them. My internet speed usually hangs around 13mb/s down and my parents is around 3mb/s. my parents connection is where I am worried there will be a bottleneck. I should probably run a speed test again on their end for upload speed now that I think about it. Also, something I never really thought about since I am not hosting anything on my connection, does upload effect download? So say I watching sling box, will that destroy my parents download speed? I would think not but I have never tried to download while someone else uploads.