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Everything posted by JStump

  1. JStump


    Isuzu Colorado?
  2. Tools, tools and more tools. Oh and a nice bike cover. Probably gonna buy a rear stand too with the money I got from the grandparents.
  3. This really is a good deal, you can't even find a tippman 98 completely ready to play with extras for this price.
  4. All ready seen that, not happy how my bill is like $50 but I pay $78 a month after all the fees! Don't even get me started about my pay checks that have 2 cities taking taxes!
  5. What I never understood is when there is a raffle like this you have to pay taxes on the prize. Didn't the raffle people already pay them when they bought the car? It would be one thing if money was being exchanged for the car because then it's a sale, but they even do this shit on inheritance. It's like cool, you just got a house from your dead grandma, were just gonna tax you on it even though she owned it outright and already paid the fucking taxes!
  6. JStump


    Me too! The F1 sounds and video would have been amazing!
  7. JStump


    Watch it! It's on Netflix and is an awesome film! Just thought people should know haha
  8. This is true^^ Hell, I put a virtue board in an ion hahaha granted I got the board practically free as a tester, just had to buy a $300 gun to put it in, and that thing was faster and more reliable than almost any gun out, possibly even better than my DM6! Edit: I really wanna go play now! I haven't gone in like 4 years :*(
  9. I used to see shockers getting stuck on the field all the time when I was a paintball ref, I loved the size but ended up getting a dm6 because of this issue. Makes me wonder why smart parts never really addressed the issue if an aftermarket board can solve the problem.
  10. You ever have an issue with the bolt sticking forward on the shocker?
  11. JStump

    out of gas

    My buddy from work did after I showed him how to use the reserve tank. He never knew about the reserve setting so after I showed him he filled up and decided to try out the reserve, so he waited till it sputtered and flipped it. Well he never remembered to flip it back when he filled, so the next time it sputtered he went to flip it and it was already used! Laughed my ass off because he was like a mile from work and I was already there about to clock in. Well he begged and pleaded for me to go get him gas because he claimed he would get fired if he was late again to work, so I ended up late then because of it. My own time was in my car this april, I had just got my brand new car with an estimated miles to go read out. So I decided to try this thing out because I knew they typically have like a gallon or more left when they say they are completely empty. Well sure enough I am on the highway when I got down to about 30 miles to go and I just passed the last exit for 35 miles. I figured I would have enough to get there because like I said, they always say its empty early. What I didn't realize was that gauge plummets after 35 miles to go in about 8 miles. Spent the next 22 miles on no bars on my gas meter meaning extremely empty! Got to the station on what I thought to be fumes because I thought I could feel the car loosing power but turns out was all in my head because I was thinking I was out of gas because there was still another 40 miles of gas in there!
  12. How is the sound on these? I like hearing my bike and not the wind so if the sound is good I may grab one of these.
  13. You sound like my dad except he goes on about old cars, I always have to remind him that he spend every other weekend under the hood fixing his old cars when my new modern car only needs the oil changed every 7500 miles and will always start in the morning haha
  14. Yeah, forgot about that^^ I am used to doing installs on inner walls that don't have insulation.
  15. That's exactly why I started with a 250 and rode it for like 3 hours around my development doing like 15-20 mph when I first started so I could learn how to turn and take curves.
  16. Here is a cheap way http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&client=safari&q=wall+plate+hole+cover&gs_upl=27940l30036l4l30617l11l3l0l0l0l0l1013l1401l3-1.7-1l2l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=768&bih=946&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9777637360289799152&sa=X&ei=SafuTouDCoWutwfZk8njBQ&ved=0CJ4BEPICMAU Here is a cleaner way http://www.google.com/products/catalog?pq=wall+plate+hole+cover&hl=en&ds=pr&cp=21&gs_id=2q&xhr=t&q=speaker+wire+wall+plate&qe=c3BlYWtlciB3aXJlIHdhbGwgcGxhdGU&qesig=7efdrZgG5r6U8ePfpyW2Eg&pkc=AFgZ2tnKHZFFCMSqO8VZjD-cDgULImhGrL_HHVjpUUh-nqoihlr1xpwLDtI9CdK1VwzCLlAPphb3PD7kmEvjHD0NfSlOGYTzMg&client=safari&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=768&bih=946&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=17488195998205146856&sa=X&ei=oafuTp-8CcuztweKovj4Cg&sqi=2&ved=0CJcBEPICMAA And an even fancier way http://www.google.com/products/catalog?pq=wall+plate+hole+cover&hl=en&ds=pr&cp=21&gs_id=2q&xhr=t&q=speaker+wire+wall+plate&qe=c3BlYWtlciB3aXJlIHdhbGwgcGxhdGU&qesig=7efdrZgG5r6U8ePfpyW2Eg&pkc=AFgZ2tnKHZFFCMSqO8VZjD-cDgULImhGrL_HHVjpUUh-nqoihlr1xpwLDtI9CdK1VwzCLlAPphb3PD7kmEvjHD0NfSlOGYTzMg&client=safari&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=768&bih=946&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=17488195998205146856&sa=X&ei=oafuTp-8CcuztweKovj4Cg&sqi=2&ved=0CJcBEPICMAA
  17. I'm sure with enough patience you could do it with a small hole by using a wire hanger or something to fish it out but it's much easier with a bigger hole. Get some wall plates and paint them to match the walls so you can make a 2" hole and attach a weight to the end.
  18. Id say it was more him not knowing how to counter steer, the first turn he took was pretty slow so he was able to lean the bike to turn, the second one was much faster and leaning alone wasn't gonna do it.
  19. Yeah it's that simple, just use a stud finder to make sure there are no horizontal 2x4s in the way. After you do that just attach some weight to the end of the wire and feed it through the wall to the bottom hole.
  20. JStump

    Google Adsense

    I almost made $100 off a video, but they caught on to me clicking my own ads at school and disabled my account haha!
  21. I have nowhere to do an overhaul, I don't have a garage :/
  22. That poor bike, it tried telling the guy he was an idiot by stalling 3 times but he didn't listen :*(
  23. Well thats another thing to add to the bike inspection/overhaul in the spring.
  24. Wow, this happens a lot more than I would have figured. My dad told me a story before I got my bike about a guy he knew who had his cable snap at a light and he was jolted into traffic and killed, thought this was a rare occurrence and didn't really think about it after that. Now its going to be in my head every time I ride!
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