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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. zx3vfr


    Didn't even see that. 185k. Fuck Honda.
  2. zx3vfr


    http://www.rc213v-s.com Dayummm
  3. I'm rather enjoying the rain
  4. Being invisible as it is,I dknt think much would change.
  5. Pretty sure they hack your browser history. I got an email for a seminar last week. Completely forgot about it until my calendar sent me a reminder saying I need to leave in 10 minutes to make it there with traffic. And, I never even added it to my calendar.
  6. Except for murder, rape and theft? Yes
  7. And you gotta be 21 to buy alcohol, that doesn't stop kids from drinking.
  8. I don't think Ohio has any laws on the books about it yet.
  9. What atomizer are you running tonhe at 25w? I run 6.5 to 7w
  10. Well ya but many went under in 2004-2007. Mostly because of using crap materials and poor workmanship. Ask 330 racing about his Hudson condo. We had one built by the same turds as him. It was horrible. Subpar everything. When I had to cut an access hole to fix a shower leak I found the panel that was suppose to be installed along with packs of cigs, and modly fast food shoved back there.
  11. Will be riding out for sure. Leaving Friday AM, then doing the track lap, dinner close to hotel, track all day Saturday and downtown that night
  12. It amazes me how any one who owned a construction company that built condos in the early to mid 2000 is nowhere to be found
  13. Our treasure just murdered every single tree. Because , well. Landscapers don't prune them enough. In her opinion.
  14. I had no idea it was illegal. I've always just went to my bank, ask for my signature to be notarized on the title and the girl stamps it and signs it. Oh well. I bought something else with my money. I just really really wanted it. Guess it's my fault for not offering a deposit.
  15. I'm not even saying into the name. Of yhe buyer. I had my signature notarized before I filled out any other information
  16. He never asked for a deposit. I've sold at least a dozen vehicles over the years just getting my signature notarized and never once had a problem. That's his claim to why he didn't want to sell it to me. If he wanted more money closer to his asking price he could have text or called me
  17. Except you forgot to mention I asked you if I should bring ramps, how much more serious do I need to be. At least you could have confirmed if I was coming or not instead of just sending a text saying it was gone. And BTW what was I suppose to say.... I'm done with this forum.
  18. Also not to mentioned I wanted to do this deal 2 weeks ago
  19. What other side? I said I was 99.99% sure I was coming to get it, gave you a 90 minute time window for Sunday when I would be down and as long as it was motorized I would be showing up and how you claimed no notery would be open Sunday and how I told you all the was need was your signature was needed to be notarized and the. You said you'd see what you could do.... The. Out of no where I get a text saying you tarded it for equipment.
  20. It is a damn shame when the British use a better looking red paint than Honda.
  21. zx3vfr

    2006 Honda 599

    Sorry. My legal issues were settled without hiring a lawyer, I'm guessing when I showed this to the party in question the figured I wasn't messing around. So bike is no longer for sale
  22. He already traded it to someone after we agreed on a price and 90 minute window on Sunday for me to pick it up
  23. I'll be there. With 3 or 4 other non members. We would be leaving Friday morning on the bikes. And usually hut downtown Saturday night but I'd be open to ditching the old farts in my group to meet up Friday night as well. However this year we might trailer the cb1 and hawk gt.
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