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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. I just ignore most other riders 99% of the time. The only ones I acknowledge are BMW riders. They usually don't acknowledge me back.
  2. 3 car payments worth of repairs in 5 months. Then its time to get a new car. And by repairs I mean broken shit. Not maintenance items such as brakes and timing belts.
  3. I just got some scorpion mesh over pants. Not to bad. Better than jeans and its really a mesh textile hybrid. Don't do much in the way of keeping you warm but will be nice during summer to throw over a pair of shorts.
  4. Fair enough. I actually saw circle k tankers leaving the brecksville marathon terminal the other day.
  5. Just had a cheap Chinese one fly off my handlebars today. Amazingly though it was still holding my phone in the middle of the road when I retrieved it. Phone unharmed. Mount received lots of physical damage after I jumped on it and kicked it into a ditch
  6. zx3vfr


    I don't eat a lot if sea food or freshwater fish. But I do like some muscles from time to time. Shrimp in butter and garlic. And I'll eat just about any sushi/sashimi. Just usually to rich for my blood so I only get it when shrimp is on sale or when someone else is paying.
  7. I've seen him before. And why are you using circle k fuel in your bike?
  8. zx3vfr


    Silent 24/7. My watch vibrates when I get a call or text.
  9. Welcome to the club. Glad you're alright.
  10. 2 interactions on the bike. First was when I went down on the gravel infront of an ambulance on the VFR. I knew almost all the guys in the ambulance, but I went down really hard and slid at least 30 yards. So the cops show up and the cop asks me why I was going so fast. Now at this point I have blood gushing out of my arm. And the EMT looks at the cop and tells the cop to "fuck off don't ask him questions right now" 5 minutes later the cop comes up and says to me, "Well I'm gonna have to write you a ticket for failure to control". Another EMT, that I've been somewhat close to for a number of years, responds to the cop for me, "If you write him a ticket every single one of us here will testify on his (my) behalf against the ticket" The cop took off about 2 seconds after that. The second interaction was a couple years ago. I was on Riverview heading into Brecksville. A car turned left and I hit the throttle and reached 70 or so in a 25 for a breif moment and slowed back down to the approperiate 25. But by the time I reached the speed limit I see a cop right infront of me on the side of the road with his radar gun. So I pull of the side of the road and he's still running radar with me right in front of him. He asks me, if everything was all right, and I said well I stopped because I thought you were going to pull me over. He said why? and i told him, that I was almost certain he had clocked my speed and was going to pull me over. He told me, well no, I got you at 31... lololol
  11. I avoid all interactions with indiscriminate revenue collectors.
  12. I moved it all over to a couple different health care mutual funds and its working great. Apple scares the crap out of me.
  13. Got the 599 all clean and shiny. Got all me new gear that fits properly. Gonna try to do an oil change if it ever gets warm.
  14. This is why I dumped all my apple stock.
  15. Yeah. It was the atlas series. Colorodo got a i5 and i4. Trailblazer and such got i6 or v8
  16. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/cto/4990555423.html shoot me a pm or use text from ad.
  17. zx3vfr

    Sitter Needed

    Actually I do. Its bath/Richfield family owned day care in a brand new stand alone building. They are actually great people.
  18. Like the post says. I would also be willing to buy the pads separately at a reasonable price.
  19. How much for just the standard pads for the rear stand?
  20. zx3vfr

    Sitter Needed

    Find one that accepts title 20, as they get supplemented funding from the state. The way I look at it is, I'm already paying for these taxes and even though we are not using title 20 funding we might as well reap the benefits such as them providing formula and all meals.
  21. zx3vfr

    Sitter Needed

    How old are the kiddos? Why not go the real daycare route? We are at $55 a day where we send our kid. we only send 2 days a week but if you send 5 days you only pay for 4. Everything but diapers and wipes included. They also include discounts for multiple kids. Then you also have the whole tax credit thing that is a lot easier to prove should you ever get audited an its a real business rather than a sitter. Just my 2¢
  22. So that explains the minnows in the airbox!!!
  23. Is that so? Where are the YouTube videos. I gotta see that.
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