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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. zx3vfr

    God and Doctors

    That is because God is passive in free will of everything and it is obvious the earth is older than 6,000 years. I would be interested of someone would take the years it would take to figure out an estimate of world population using nothing but the bible until accurate census along with dates starts. There is no way the earth population could be 7 billion. And... Not even from 6000 years ago. They could start with Noah.
  2. zx3vfr

    God and Doctors

    John 5:24 Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life. They key here is whoever hears my word. It doesn't say what happens to those who have not heard the word of Jesus. But it certainly seems clear enough that if you don't hear about Jesus you are not automatically condemned to hell.
  3. And god knows every single decision we will make. He also knows when we are going to die and how. However animals cannot accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savoir. So does god look after them? No Adam was first put in charge of that. So basically you are correct.
  4. Hitler was a fascist. Obama is somewhere between a socialist and communist.
  5. Dream fields pasta did the same thing. People who thought they could eat pasta and not get fat are idiots. People who thought they could do awesome stunts after drinking red bull are idiots. I drink red bull a few times a month because I don't drink coffee, I don't expect much out of it other than a caffeine buzz to keep me going working 12 hour days ocassionally
  6. zx3vfr

    God and Doctors

    God/The universe blesses everyone with unique talents and abilities. People who say God heals annoy me. God did not heal, he gave the doctor a functioning brain and access to medicines and machines.
  7. Wait until next summer then lock the cop in a car on a 90 degree day with no water for a few hours.
  8. zx3vfr


    I am still 100% convinced someone is working for/with interpol or something of that sorts. I figured it was Juice, because he is the only one to display any kind of remorse for what he has done, but sure he would have been saved by now. I'm actually starting to think it might be chibs.
  9. I grew up with animals my entire life. Some became coyote food some natural causes. I fail to understand the over attachment people have with their pets.
  10. No sense of humor around here anymore. People die every day. Animals die everyday. It is a part of life. And I bet I can count on my one hand how many people think that the animal they are eating for dinner had to die. It is seriously time for everyone in america to grow the fuck up and accept people and animals die. When my madagascar dragon tree that's I've been babying for the past 3 years dies I'm going to make a thread about it.
  11. Hug your dog daily if you have a Korean restaurant nearby.
  12. We've got a herd of wild turkeys. Most are abnormally large, like double the size of adult geese, they are also mean as hell. Would not want to encounter one.
  13. This one has v brakes which is fine. When I rode it in my early teens I had a speedo on it and got it up to 45mph with knobbie tires down hill. I hit the brakes and got launched forward and my balls landed on the frame while still traveling downhill. It has been sitting for at least 8 years now. But lots of wd40 and tightening 3 of the 4 cables has made it road worthy especially with the 26 x 2 road tires. It will need new pads and rear brake cable and chain gear cable soon but for the next month it will be fine.
  14. So I got a late 90s Schwinn Mountain bike up and running, put some 26 x 2 street tires and new tubes on. Rides really nice minus the rock hard seat. I do need 4 new pads as they are all cracked but still stop fine. I rode 15 miles today and sore as hell as I haven't rode in long time. I almost died twice because I grabbed the right brake lever thinking motorcycle and of course skidded. So I swapped cable sides, my question is has anyone else switched levers to match motos?
  15. zx3vfr

    Nathan's Law

    You people are no fun anymore.
  16. zx3vfr

    Nathan's Law

    I am 100% against any form of vehicle registration and driver licensing. However my reason is being we are granted a birth right of freedom to travel. My problem is when bicyclists use roads for exercise... They are not traveling anywhere, they rarley have a destination other than to bitch when people get to close then run stop signs and pass on the right.
  17. zx3vfr

    Nathan's Law

    And putting an innocent child at a super high risk for all sorts of fun diseases, then complaining because there is no cure or that your kid has autism, can't function with other kids and the school says don't come back. That's the real irresponsibility.
  18. If you are 16 male or female there is not a double standard. Girls ate easily manipulated and believe anything you tell them. Ask any of the dumb bitches I use to bang before I met my wife, not even at 16. It extended to 18, 25, and 35 years of age. Somr are still dumb as rocks at 45. Women are very easy to manipulate. (I only once banged married woman but they were in the process of a divorce). All you have to do is sweet talk them dumb broads and have them get an incling you're a good guy.. Then when they wonder why you only come over for free dinner and sex... You make them think long and hard if you ever mentioned anything about a serious relationship then they sit there and ponder for a moment and you either get cookwear thrown at your head or you get even better sex. In this case I bet the kid was the one where set everything up and initiated everything. On another note. If my daughter was ever in an incident with a teacher I would be much more disappointed with myself for not teaching her well enough that 99% of males only have one intention like I use to have. Have? Who the hell am I kidding if I got divorced from my wife tomorrow I'd be getting some strange and within hours.
  19. zx3vfr

    Nathan's Law

    Waste of tax payer money. I find the majority of people who don't pay attention to what thy are doing are the mini van SUV driving early to mid 30s mom with babies in the back. BTW if you are over 30 and get knocked up for the first time you don't need a fuciing baby shower or any kind of special attention. And if you are over 35 when you get knocked up you should need to go through mandated psychological screening.
  20. I remember in high school we were told graphic designers would make big bucks.....
  21. You should be able to go into word documents and get a simple template to get you going.
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