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Everything posted by Kent2406

  1. Exactly! As far as all the antidepressant drugs, I feel they're too easily prescribed, but with that being said, I'm not yet convinced they are the cause. Is blaming the drugs, any different than blaming the guns? We definitely need to look into the mental health issues.
  2. Oh I'm sorry JRMMiii! I'll check with you next time I want to share some information, as to where to put it and if it's okay with you to post it. I appreciate your help, thanks man!
  3. Soooooo, some say we need imediate action, to prevent these mass murders from happening again! That's funny, no guns were used in this school mass murdering! Well, except for the rifle he used to blow himself up! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster
  4. Posted 12-12-12 Posted 12-14-12 :nono::nono::nono::nono:
  5. Need to drop the kids off at the pool..........
  6. Now, how in the hell are you gonna bring that shit up a year and half later! I was just testing the mechanical skills of those of you who were there!
  7. Thanks barron! I'm on it!!!! No wait, can't look while at work!
  8. Hey, zip it! Aint'cha got some boobies you should be uploading?
  9. Yeah well, you're still an ass sniffer!!!!!
  10. I have to agree with you Todd. Since I'm the one who initially started this crap, can I ask that we close it before it gets worse?
  11. Oh shit!!!!!!! I just figured it out!!!!!!!! Ninjachic is here to distract us from what's really going on in this country!!!!!!!!!! Damn you Ninjachic!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Just want to point out, it was not I who changed the title!
  13. Come on Mags, you know you want too!!!!!!!!
  14. Yeah, geesh barron, get with the program!
  15. I've actually taken Bad's advice and pulled the stick out of my ass! Now I'm just going to sit back and watch the entertainment and train wreck. This is actually fun! Thanks Bad!
  16. They've been using these for a while now to make homes. Google image search: http://www.google.com/search?q=cargo+container+homes&hl=en&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=cQ_EUOK-H4fE0AGJzoCYBw&sqi=2&ved=0CDsQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=664
  17. And just for the record, to those that think I tried hitting on Ninjachic and got shot down and that's why I'm, as you called it, "whining", I am not on her list she mentions above. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" Bill Clinton
  18. Well, I for one am not really sure why I had to create this thread. I've never done a rant before, and I guess I felt it was just needed for myself. I'm usually a happy go lucky dude. But something about seeing how the guys act, over and over again, when there's a new chic, just seems a little ridiculous, desperate, pathetic, or whatever, to me. Then again, maybe it is just me, and I'm looking at it the wrong way. I could be raggin, just give me a week and I'll be better.
  19. Only if you have guns! Magz is screwed!
  20. Hey guys! Great news! A new female just posted in the introductory section with pictures! Getter while she's fresh!!!!!
  21. Oh I get it. Go back and reread my original post. Not once did I bash her. It wasn't about her, but rather about the idiots with there tongues hangin out. But the fact you all decided to attack me, reinforces the truth. Keep sniffin!!!!!!
  22. Man, you really don't get it! Keep on sniffin and be proud!
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