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Everything posted by Kent2406

  1. Glad to hear you guys had a good time and made it home safely! Hopefully next year I can make it. Last year, broken arm, this year, broken bike. Third times a charm! Just do it early in the season!
  2. What's up with the retarded misspellings on some of the recent pictures? Is that like the new hip thing to do?
  3. Well, looks like I won't be able to make this, regardless of the weather. My rectifier is shot, and I won't be able to replace it before this weekend.
  4. Not a picture, but too funny, not to share! http://www.streetfire.net/video/motorcycle-burnout-epic-fail_2397796.htm
  5. customfighters.com Lot's of info and ideas.
  6. I have 3 brothers and spankings never really worked on us. Hell, I'd take a spanking and move on, no problem. But grounding me, and/or making me stand with my nose in the corner was the worse. I hated that more than anything!
  7. I discipline my kids, if I'm not too busy, on the computer, PS3, Xbox, social networks, watchin reality shows, bitchin about the president, bitchin about the presidential nominees, worried about what everyone else is doing, tryin to screw the neighbor, drinkin lots of beer, throwing up from drinking lots of beer, eating, smoking weed, eating a lot from smoking weed, masturbating cause the neighbor won't screw...........................
  8. You should see me on my Huffy. I wave to all the kids on the block!
  9. Only if my entry outfit can be nothing more than a speedo, cowboy boots, and a sombrero!
  10. Well, I don't know what to tell ya, bud. I guess this guy would.
  11. Nothing wrong with that. The man, or woman, is doing what they have to, to do what they love. Spending the day at the track.
  12. Nah, if he has to lock it down, to get her to stick around, then she's not gonna stay around.
  13. Negative comments?! How could you find anything negative in those pictures? Very nice!
  14. Well, I was out, and now may be back in. Battery was dead, bought a new one, and just want to go over everything with a meter. Hopefully the stator is putting out like a hooker on a Saturday night, and the rectifier is workin like a pimp, keeping that bitch in check. If all is good, and it's not raining like a porn star squirting, or colder than a witches titty, I'll be back in.
  15. I get so pissed, when the women don't waive, when they catch me staring in their windows at night! What, they think they're better than me? F'n snobs!
  16. I say, don't fight it, and don't pay it. Screw em! What they gonna do, come and getcha?
  17. Hey Scott, it does get a little easier as time passes. I lost mom in 02 and dad in 05. I don't think a day goes by that I don't think of them, or something reminds me of them.
  18. Warning! NWS and very graphic! The video below shows the affects of using Krokodil. I cannot believe anyone would ever do this to themselves. I sincerely hope this never makes it to the states.
  19. You guys, and gals, are crazy!!! Why would we legalize something that grows naturally out of the ground?!
  20. We don't think we're in control, we know we're in control! Now go make that sandwich for sapphy. She's busy cleaning the toilet......
  21. You see how big corporations have trained us? We think $3.06 is a great deal.
  22. Thanks again! Much appreciated! I'm gonna start with the battery, charge it, get it tested, and go from there.
  23. Thanks guys for the responses. Guess I'm gonna have to get the service manual out and start trouble shooting.
  24. Bike is an 05 Kawasaki ZZR600 formerly known as an 00-02 ZX6R. After work today, I go to start the bike and it runs for about 30 secs and just shuts off, as if I turned the key off. I try restarting it, and nothing. I hook up jumper cables to a coworkers vehicle, and the bike fires right up, but as soon as I unhook the cables, it shuts off. Alternator or stator, maybe?
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