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Everything posted by Kent2406

  1. You're welcome! Thanks for handling it like a champ! It was more about the ass sniffers than it was about you. You just happened to be the particular female at this particular time. But don't worry, a new one will come around, and they'll be on her like fly's on shit!
  2. Lol! Oh no, you don't want to see them! They're a little hairy!
  3. She may be. Heck I don't even know her. I might even like her, who knows. This is more about you all than it is about her. My point in all this, is the way we as society treat people differently based on gender. Back to my original question, how is she different from the other two? If you go back and look at how everyone treated them for what they were doing, and now, the way everyone treats her, you'll see my point. Yes, the content may be different, but it's still the same shit. You all pretty much proved my point, when you decided to post in here. And I'm just not afraid to stand up and say something. But whatever, it is what it is.
  4. All the proof you need can be found right here in this forum, but you can't see it because your head is up her ass!
  5. I'm with ya on this one. Love that smell!
  6. Do I really need to get started on all your whining over guns?
  7. Just speakin the thruth! Keep sniffin people!!!!!!!
  8. Don't worry, they'll all be posting!
  9. Haha! I knew you would be one of the first to comment! Too easy! I've been on every ride my schedule has allowed me to, so not sure where you're getting your information. Nice try though!
  10. Can someone tell me the difference between these three people? I know I'm gonna get some fraq from all the female ass sniffers, but jesus, this is getting ridiculous! When Ringo and Exarch were posting stupid shit, and were all over the forum with dumbass comments, everyone was ready to hang them, but when it's a chic, you all just sniff harder. Take your heads out of her ass and stop sniffing! Jesus, some of you on here are pathetic!
  11. That was frickin awesome! Definitely no room for error. But I think I enjoyed the view from the drivers perspective, from start to finish more than anything. It never really dawned on me before that the racers can't hear the announcer. You're really just in your own little world. I caught myself getting excited and rooting for the guy to catch the other rider and when he finally did, it felt like a win! Man, that was sweet, I could watch every race from that perspective!
  12. Rep and gifts to MJ for perfectly timed posts!!!!!!:holiday4:
  13. In the end, the advancement you achieve, will be worth it. You can always come back to Ohio, better yet, southern Ohio. Definitely gotta do a big ride in the spring! Good luck!
  14. What's so funny about this? The green bananas are supposed to be with the yellow ones!
  15. And no MT, it's not my new favorite porn!
  16. Two nights ago, my brothers cam caught a buck gettin busy with his lady. They strolled right in front of it, centered on the screen, like they knew it was there, did their business, and went on their mary way, with a new bambi in the pooch.
  17. Lol! That actually made me laugh, thanks!
  18. I'm here for the funnies too, and that's all this is. Don't take it personally, just having fun!
  19. I believe we've already been through this, but keep thinking, sooner or later it'll sink in.
  20. Not sure what a douce is, but a douche is probably something you could use.
  21. Wow, you got some good comebacks! I think I'll stop now. You are far superior than me. Please forgive me! Would have asked for forgiveness sooner, but I was too busy masturbating.
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