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Everything posted by Kent2406

  1. I'll play! Here's my ugly mug!
  2. Kent2406

    walking dead

    I like how everyone has pertty white teeth, no food stuck in em or anything. Well, except for the zombies. They ain't got no pertty teeth!
  3. ^^^^^This^^^^^ Even Crapple knows Samsung makes better products! http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/01/us-apple-ipad-components-idUSBRE8A017220121101
  4. All bikes have a 2 down reverse push gear. You put 2 feet down and push.
  5. Now see, if you would just carry a gun, you could have just shot it before it got to you!
  6. For your information, I am a lesbian! Please see redbarron77 for eye candie. For freak candie, please see above!
  7. Definitely cool, but I guess I have a different interpretation as to what eye candy is.
  8. Not sure what one has to do with the other, but no problem, just trying to help.
  9. And the Veloster is newer than the Genesis.
  10. Yeah, that sucks! What a dick!
  11. Just an FYI, when a dog is attacking you, jam your hand, arm, foot, or whatever it is that it's trying to bite, down it's throat. I assure you, it will open it's jaws and try to get away from you. It's a hard thing to do, because your instincts and reflexes are telling you to pull away and run, but that's the worst thing you can do. Here's a good little article on dog attacks, http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/article.php?id=336
  12. Kent2406

    walking dead

    I think the show should be rated XXX, and "Glenn the Asian's" girlfriend and the knocked up chick, should get it on. After she has the baby and heals, of course.
  13. Kent2406

    walking dead

    Just finished season 2 last night. My only disappointment in the series so far, is they don't tell ya the brands of weapons they carry. I really want to know where I can get my hands on these guns that hold an endless supply of ammo! I swear, the shotguns must hold 50 rounds each! Love this show! Can't wait to start watching this season!
  14. In the ditch! Can't you read?! Glad to hear you're okay CrazySkullCrusher.
  15. Kent2406

    walking dead

    Same here, except I downloaded the episodes (no commercials) to the computer and watching them through the PS3. Finished season 1 lastnight, starting season 2 tonight. Pretty good show. Can't believe I never watched it before.
  16. I don't know what a "tinfoil hat brigade member" is, but most government officials are egotistical, looking to gain power, and money. And the so called weapons hoarders, do it to serve their country and to protect it's citizens.
  17. Based on Magley's beliefs, we better stop walking, running, standing, sitting, breathing, etc, etc. http://www.actionamerica.org/guns/gun-web-widget.shtml
  18. Yes, he came to me in the night. I couldn't sleep, so I turned the tv on, and there he was! Since the day I sent him my money, I have been full of life and joy. He saved my life!
  19. Flying Spaghetti Monster That is all..........
  20. Let me tell ya, I was shoutin thy Lord's name lastnight. And his son! She could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch!
  21. Is it even a street legal bike? I don't know my dirt bikes, but sure looks like an off road vehicle. So if he wants to go on whining about how he wouldn't have hit the truck cause it wasn't supposed to be there, should he also not be there? Again, I don't know my dirt bikes, but it sure as hell didn't look like a street bike with lights, mirrors, and a license plate.
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